Chapter 10: a Day in the Life

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In total, you made two trips that day. On the first trip, Loona's stuff was unloaded into your apartment and the second trip involved unloading her pet tarantulas. Before you and Loona got started on placing her clothes in with yours, you both sat down to rest. The clothes were taken care of afterward, as well as the spiders, soon after. Loona's toys - her unfinished bottle of vodka and the dab break she brought with her - were situated in the bedroom, too. Through this whole procedure, Blitzo kept non-stop texting and calling Loona. Finally, the last call followed with her saying, "dad, that's enough! I thought you said I can take care of myself!"

"Ok, Loona. I just get worried that's all. Love you!"

She used her hand as a divider, and muttered "I love you too," and hung up. Passionately, she grabs a hold of your hand with both of hers. She then held your hand to her chest and said, "I'm so glad we're together. "

"Me too." You two kissed. Loona then says, "what do you think we should do next?" An idea formulated rather quickly, "how about we play Smash?" (You meant Super Smash Bros).


"Oh, it's an awesome video game I played with my friends in the living world. You have to try it with me."

"Yeah, we can play games. Mind if I have another beer?"

"Knock yourself out."

Loona got a beer while you were setting up the game console. She sat down, and you turned on the projector and sat with her. You played as your main and Loona picked a random character. After the first few rounds, Loona was kicking your ass. "Wow, you suuuuuck!"

You blame her demon abilities, "well, you're a demon so it's only natural that you have these larger-than-life powers!"

"Huh? You're a demon too!" She grins and says teasingly, "I just think you don't want to admit that I am better than you... And this is literally my first time." A few more games went by, and your rage increases. Eventually, you dropped your controller and said "fine, you win! Fuck!" Loona started giggling uncontrollably. "I'm gonna go take a piss," you say.

"Watch out, you might miss the toilet bowl because you're so bad!"

You grunt over her comment. To prove her wrong, you concentrated thoroughly on where your piss stream was going, and thankfully, all of it went inside the toilet, so far. Loona walked in suddenly, "well shit, you actually landed." This startled you and some of your urine landed on the floor. "Why would you do that?!" She walked out laughing her ass off and almost cried.  Cleaning up the mess you made, you grabbed a piece of toilet paper to wipe the trickles of piss you spilled on the floor.

Since the rules of daylight savings apply to hell as well, it appears to get dark much faster. You and Loona played video games until around 5 or so, and the sun had set. You pause the game and peered through the curtains. You saw that it was dark outside and you said, "Jesus, night already?"

"Wow, it is. How about I make something this time, baby?"

"Go for it."

Nights with Loona are simple, but they mean every second to you. You two take turns on who makes dinner, or who was going to wash the dishes when you all were done. However, Loona's cooking was much more fantastic in comparison to yours, thanks to her dad's culinary prowess. Your meals were not bad either, meaning, Loona did not complain. She ate your food without any cringe or gag, and say that it was good. Other times, you two would just order food and go out to eat. Sometimes, after you two were done eating, Loona snuggled up to you while you were watching videos on Youtube while laying on the couch, or you would simply finish playing your video game. Sometimes, also, you two would get high, but Loona did not have a schedule to do such things, and just got high whenever in the evening hours.  Tonight involved Loona finishing her bottle of vodka and got drunk. Of course, the night ended the same way; having sex and falling asleep. On a few nights, you caught her sleep talking, which involved whispering sweet nothings about you and how she loved you so much. Normally, she did not want to admit she had such deep love for you, nor she would admit that she cared about the people that cared for her. Hence why she kept a toy spider in her desk drawer. On days in which you two would go to work, Loona let down her hair and put on her usual 'work clothes'. Blitzo did not mind being casual when it came to attire. With your situation, you put on whatever t-shirt seemed to be the closest and shaved and trimmed whatever facial hair you did not want.

Most times before going straight to work, Loona asks for you to go to the coffee place. You always thought it was adorable for her to get you something too as if you were not capable. You insist, "Loona, it's okay. I am capable of getting something myself." Loona becomes sad and says "Ok. I understand," and you follow up with "but, I appreciate the gesture," and kiss her on the cheek. Loona's frown disappeared, and she blushed and smiled. Sometimes (actually, a lot of the time), you two are late coming to the office, and Moxxie makes sure to scold you two each time it happens. You both just giggle and ignore it. Blitzo makes sure to introduce new clients to the crew and makes sure to give you and Loona a hard time since you all are together - a parental gesture. When you and the crew would open the portal to the living world, Loona always ask, "can I come too?" And Blitzo, seeing how it was for your sake, would always respond with "Oh, why not Loonie?" Once the business is taken care of, Blitzo announces that the shift is over, and you all would go home. You and Loona would go home - you opened the door to your apartment, and Loona would sneak up from behind to surprise you with...

"Welcome home, babe."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞 ♥ (a Loona x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now