Darkwing Duck or Darkwarrior?

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"Gosalyn, time for bed!" Drake Mallard yells up the stairs. "Aw, Dad just five more minutes, I want to smash the zombie!" Gosalyn yells back. Drake now outside her room, "No more stalling, young lady, you have school in the morning," "Oh, all right," Gosalyn replies and turns the video game off. "Dad?" Gosalyn asks sitting on her bed. "Yes, sweetie?" Drake asks. "I don't suppose that you let me skip school tomorrow?" Gos asks hopefully. Drake looks slightly annoyed, and replies "Now, Gos, you know that a good education is the best way to make it in this world, and it's the best way to go about life... Drake droned on and on, so finally, Gosalyn said, "Dad, I don't want to oversleep and be late because you're boring me to tears," "Ha, ha very cute, Gos," Drake replied as he tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night, Dad, I love you," Gosalyn says. "Good night, sweetie I love you more," Drake says.

The next morning when Gosalyn came down, Drake was washing dishes and told her with what she thought was an attitude, but she just woke up how could she be in trouble? "You're already late for school, get going!" he yells. Confused Gosalyn asks "What did I do this early in the morning?" "Nothing, now get going!" he yells. "All right! sheesh Dad, calm down!" "I am calm!" Drake sneered and Gos caught a glimpse of his eyes and they were glowing red. No, it can't be!" Gosalyn thought trying hard not to gasp, Darkwarrior can't be back, I left him in the future! Maybe I am overreacting, she thought. Maybe Dad's tired.

At school, she met up with Honker. "Morning, Gos, what's the matter?" he asks noticing a worried look on her face. "Dad was mad at something and seemed to be taking it out on me," she replied. "I'm sure that is not the case, Gos, probably just a bad case has him frustrated," Honker replied. "Maybe, Honk, but his eyes were red!" she says. "Red eyes? must be tried," Honker replies. "Honker, there's something I never told anyone," she starts. "About what?" Honker asks intrigued. "On one of Dad's cases where Quackerjack and Megavolt stole a time top, I was trying to help Dad and got caught in the rope, and was sent to the future where Dad went crazy cause he thought I ran away because he wouldn't let me help him," Gos started telling Honker when the bell rang. "I tell you the rest of the story at lunch," Honker stands there shocked.

At lunch, Gosalyn told Honker the rest of the story of Darkwarrior. Honker trying to keep his cool and not cause a scene looked at her and asked, "Did your dad really try to shoot with his gas gun?" "Not his regular gas gun, it turned into a rocket, but he said he couldn't do it," She replied. "So what are you going to do now?" Honker asked. "I don't know, but I will try not to anger Dad," she said. After the bell rang, Gos and Honker walked to their homeroom for free period. They worked out a plan on how to get Darkwing back.

The first part of the plan was to remind Darkwing how much he loves the city of St. Canard and help to protect its citizens. Two on the list was to remind him he fights for good not evil. The third and last one on the list was if all else fails to remind Darkwing how much he loved Gosalyn. She folded the paper and prayed it would work.

After school, Gosalyn walked into her house scared that Darkwarrior was back. "Dad?" she called worriedly. No answer must be out. She went to the kitchen for a snack and then up to her room to do her homework. An hour later Gos heard Drake call her. Scared out of her mind, "Yes, Dad?" she asked terrified. "I thought I told you to clean this house from top to bottom!" he yelled. "I did, now I am doing my homework!" she told him. "Then why do I see dust on the fireplace!" he yells louder. Gosalyn thought to herself, be it, Dad, to find the smallest speck of dust on anything. "All right, Dad I get it after I am done with my math homework!" she replies. "What's the point of that, you can't add to save your life, now get down here!" he yells with ferocious anger. Gos stood and thought that was rude, but I do have a hard time with math, but I try my best. She started to cry, but thought, no, I won't let him see me cry. "All right, Dad, sheesh it's probably not even that much!" "Just get to it, now!" Drake continues yelling.

Drake now standing by the top of the stairs, wearing his Darkwarrior armor, looked down at Gosalyn dusting. She can't do anything right, I'll be doing the world a service by getting rid of her. He thought to himself with an evil gleam in his eyes.
"Gosalyn get over here now!" Drake demands. Now, what, Gos wonders. "Yeah, Dad, what's the problem... No, it can't be, I left you in the future!" she stutters. "Or, so you thought, now that I am back, I have had it with you and your attitude!" he growled at her. What in the world is wrong with him, first he was just mad, but now it seems like he was to kill me! What do I do now? Gos's mind went through a million ideas and finally decided to run. I can't believe he wants to kill me, maybe if I, the thought died in an instant because Darkwarrior had two guns on her! This can't be real, Dad can't hate me! she thought, and then a bad thought hit her, does he regret adopting me? "Stop running and take your punishment like a good girl, now where are you?!" Drake growled. Gos huffed with uneven breaths. Drakwarrior was fast approaching her, but she thought she could reason with him, after all, he was her father.
She remembered the list and hoped it would work. "Dad, remember that you love protecting St. Canard and its citizens. " The city will be better without you to mess it up," he sneered. "You fight for good, not evil, and I am not evil, I am your daughter," she pleaded. "You're nothing but a waste on society, he glowed at her with evil in his eyes.
"Dad, think about this for a minute, you can't hurt me, and you know it!" "Ah, who cares about the father-daughter rules, you are nothing but bad and now must be exterminated!" Drake laughed. "What would Launchpad think?" she was trying to stall him with any means necessary. "Launchpad agrees with me, you need to go! he laughs louder. Gosalyn had one last resort to try, the last thing on the list, if this didn't work she definitely be dead. "No, Dad please don't do this don't you love me anymore?" "You get in the way, and I wish I never adopted you!" he growled at her. To hear him say those words was like a knife to her heart. Drakwarrior raised the guns higher. "Dad, no... she screamed.

Drake hearing Gos screaming went to her room to make sure she was okay and saw her tossing and turning. And went to wake her up.
"Gosalyn, honey wake up you're having a nightmare," Drake says in a sweet gentle voice. "Dad, please don't kill me!" she yells."What, why on earth would I kill you?" he asked confused. "Aren't you mad at me for not cleaning the house, not doing well in school, and..." she rambled with heavy tears. "Honey, you are nine years old, I don't expect perfection," Drake said trying to make the mood lighter. He looks at Gos and realizes she is sobbing. Sitting on her bed, "Honey, are you okay?" Leaning into him she told him about her nightmare. "What caused that I don't understand, wait a minute didn't you call me Darkwarrior after getting off the time top?" he asked. "Yes, Dad there's something I never told you," she started nervously. She tells him about her time with Darkwarrior and how he locked her in jail and threatened her with a rocket. Drake sat there stunned. "I would never hurt you, Gos, that is a promise," he says even more gently. And adds, "I know I get nuts about you helping me, but I don't want anything bad to happen to you, but I do need to let you grow up too," She looked at him and finally asked, "Dad do you regret adopting me?" "What!? Of course not, you enrich my life and make coming home worthwhile." "Really?!" she asks trying not to cry. "Of course I love you, Gosalyn," "I love you too, Dad," she says hugging him. "Dad, can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what, sweetie?" "I used to watch all the other kids get adopted and wonder what it was like, would you have been mad after the mess with Taurus Bulba if I asked you to adopt me?" "No, I wouldn't have been, 'cause I was thinking about it myself," Drake admitted. Gosalyn looked at him for what seemed like an eternity and asked, "Can I sleep with you?" "Sure, honey, get your pillow and bear, do need anything else?" he asked."No, I am good," she replied. As they walked to his room they thought about how empty their lives were and now are richer than any millionaire. They had happiness money couldn't buy. "Gos?" Drake asked. "Yes, Dad?" "You want to stay home from school tomorrow?" "Can I?" she asked hopefully. "Yeah, we can do anything you want," he started. "Dad, you're the best!" she beamed happily. Once in bed, he looks at her and says, "Here's to sweet dreams for my angel," "Thanks, Dad, you too," she replied. "Good night, Gosalyn," "Goodnight, Dad," Both of them wrapped in love only a father and daughter could share.

Authors note: I know that the cartoon wasn't this dark, but hey some cartoons can only take things so far. This is my favorite episode of Darkwing Duck and this has been swimming in my head for a while now. This is darker than the cartoon because it's Gosalyn's nightmare and nightmares can be terrifying. Also, if anything is wrong with the story please keep in mind that English isn't my first language, Spanish is. I also suffer from dyslexia, so please be kind. Thanks for reading and any comments are appreciated. Thanks again, Serenity 💜🖤💙😘
Also, if you're a Darkwing Duck fan you know the episode Time and Punishment, so I don't have to explain anything. If not please let me know so I can help you.

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