Assistance C.2

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*I might just go for shorter chapters in this book to begin with. Check out my other two if you liked this one. Thamks.

Crackling. Warmth. Pain.
She didn't know which one she noticed first, but they were all very noticeable.  She was awake, but she kept her eyes closed. She wanted to know where she was, and listening was the best option for now. She didn't know who she was with, and they could hurt her at any given moment. She decided being "asleep" was better than awake right now.
She had to fight the urge to cry, and scream. To run away until her feets skin burned raw. But she was in too much pain. Crying and screaming didn't seem like such a bad option. Her hands were stiff and aching, probably wrapped in bandages. Her left arm had something tied to the cut, she could tell. Probably more bandages and gauze. Her leg was the worse. She knew she lost a lot of blood, which is likely why her head ached and she felt nauseous.
She also heard the voices. At least three of them. They didn't sound hostile, but that could be deceiving. Lots of things, she knew, we're in fact deceiving. One of them sounded a bit younger, she noted. The younger one and another seemed to be British. The other was American, and he spoke less than the other two. They talked about a lot of stuff. Music, bees, farming. The American even pitched in about anarchy, and quoted someone who was likely dead.
The older British one began to speak up again. "I wonder how Tommy's doing. I feel kinda bad for Phil, needing to look after Tommy all alone like that." He shuffled in his spot. They were eating something, not meat. They would have cooked it, and she would have smelled it. She was a bit hungry too, but the pain in her leg felt more important. Every second she spent lying there made her think she was dying.
"He's probably running around stabbing shit." They younger of the three commented.
"Ya know, that sums Tommy up pretty well," the American replied.
People were stabbing stuff. She needed to get out of there fast. She didn't feel like getting hurt again.
"We should probably get going soon. Looks like it might rain," the older British man said.
"Are we even be gonna be able to lift her? The wounds were fresh when we found her. She was probably high off adrenaline." The American pointed out. "And we still have a ways to go. Doubt we'd make it back regardless."
"I don't want to be caught in a storm. Tommy and Phil are probably already worried. We should have been back hours ago." The youngest pointed out.
"He's got a point Techno."
Techno? What does that even mean? She could tell she was frowning, as Techno stiffened in his spot. He leaned over and stared at her. She could tell he was staring at her.
"Techno, what are you doing?" British man asked.
"Shut it Wilbur, I think she's awake." He moved over for a second before something softly hit her head. She immediately moved to grab it and realized her mistake. She paused and opened her eyes to stare at the three people in front of her. She looked at the thing that hit her in the head.
"See, I told y-" a stick went whizzing through the air and hit British dude square in the face. It took them all a moment to realize what happened, and y/n, despite her aching body was limping away. They had horses. She would never be able to ride a horse by herslef, not in this condition. She only made it a couple feet of away before this sunk in, and a hand was placed on her shoulder.
"That was really unwise." American man. Techno. Dang it.
"Well, your probably scaring her." The youngest said. "You two are like, really tall and stuff." That was true. Really tall. She knew she was short but they were tall even compared to an average man.
Techno sighed and gestured her over to his companions. He helped her balance her wait on his arm, and she stumbled over to their fire.
The one she hit in the face, Wilbur, stared at her. She could tell he wanted to be upset, but knew how things looked on her side. "I understand if you don't want to go into detail, but a brief explanation would be appreciated."
"Why were you under the bridge?" She countered. She didn't think they wanted to hurt her, but she wasn't going to take any chances.
The youngest piped up, "There was a blood trail over the path. Too much to be an animal. Wasn't really hard to find you afterwards. I'm Toby, by the way. But you can call me Tubbo."
She frowned at that answer. It made sense, and she didn't want to owe them anything. She already owed too much. "Why would you help me?"
They all looked somewhat taken aback, before Wilbur spoke up. "You were bleeding out. You were going to die. It's not like you've wronged us. Why wouldn't we help you?" She could think of plenty of reasons, but she didn't name a single one. Instead she stared at the ground in pain and disgust. She wasn't very old, but she had seen plenty of bad things. Last night was some of the worst things she had ever seen. And now she's being a burden to some seemingly nice people.
"Well I appreciate your concern but I should be leavi-" she couldn't finish her sentence as an arrow flew by her face. It would have been lodged in her neck if Techno didn't pull her out of the way. "Holy-"
Everyone was standing now, unnervingly aware. Wilbur spoke first, in a low hushed tone. "We need to get to the horses. When I get to three."
Rustling in some bushes.
Arrows being drawn from quivers.
Nocking and aiming.
"Three! He shouted. And not a moment too soon.
Multiple arrows came speeding at them. Techno, being the strongest, picked up y/n and was already making a run for the horses. Tubbo and Wilbur were close behind, dodging more attacks. As Techno neared the horses he hoisted y/n upward and jumped on himself. One of the horses suddenly screamed out in agony as it twisted in pain. Techno quickly cut through the leads connecting all the horses and threw the remaining horses reigns to Wilbur. Now one horse short, Tubbo rode with Wilbur and they rode off into the trees.
Y/n was going through too much. She was crying. These people saved her life twice, and all she's done is cost them a horse. Her leg was screaming out in pain, and her head was pounding heavily. Riding a horse wasn't exactly helpful either. Tears streamed down her face as they made their ways into some plains. They seemed to relax a bit more, they knew where they were headed. Y/n started to rub away the tears that were staying her face. She was tired and her head hurt so bad, so when she started to drift off into sleep she didn't dare fight it.

1222 words. Decent, not incredibly proud of this one. Still had fun writing it though.

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