Ken and barbie

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Inspired by the song Ken and Barbie by Kate Gill

We have a extra in the end ;)

George smiled as he looked over his boyfriend who's in his one knee holding a black small box, inside the box was a diamond ring. It look expensive but even if it's not expensive he'll still cherish it with all his love.

Now, your wondering how they met or how did they even become boyfriends?


George looked over to the slide. He had heard sniffing and quiet sobbing. He softly got off the swing he's sitting on and slowly approached the slide. "Mr slide why are you crying?" George asked thinking the slide was the one crying.

George was only 7, left in the playground while his parents talk to someone. George heard a gasp and quickly it became silent. George frowned slightly and walked around the slide to see a boy with his arms wrapped around his knees and his face buried in it. George quickly pulled the boy into a bear hug.

George patted the boy's back feeling him sob more. The boy quickly hugged back and George smiled softly. "It's fine.." George mumbled softly under his breath. George didn't let go of the boy until the sobbing and sniffing were gone. George softly puts his hands on the boys shoulder and pushed him away only to be greeted by a smiley face poorly drawn on the paper. The paper was hiding the boys face.

George frowned and grabbed the boys hand and held it. The boy only stayed still, George didn't know if he can see him or if he was even looking at him. George gently let their hands onto his lap. "W..." George hesitated on what to ask. George sighed and continued "why do you have a paper on your face?" George heard the boy laugh a little.

The boy let go of George's hand and pulled the paper off of his face. George was greeted by a freckled boy. George didn't notice his hair color was blonde. George smiled and grabbed the piece of paper. "What's your name?" George asked as he inspected the smiley face on the paper. "C..clay, but i'm usually called dream cuz i'm dreamy." Clay responded jokingly George giggled and covered his mouth with his free hand.

Clay's cheeks burned up as he watched the brunette giggle. Clay soon joined in giggling with George.

George and Clay soon met someone named Nick. George and Clay was just playing in the sand box when a tan boy walked up to a group of kids. "Hi..can i play with you?" Clay was the one who heard the boy and looked over to see someone push him. Clay was pretty protective even if he don't know who his protecting. He quickly stood up and walked over to the group of kids confusing George.

Clay pushed the boy behind him "leave him alone, he just wants to play.!" Clay exclaimed but then the kids just laughed. "Shut up weirdo, you have ugly dots on your face. Oh wait! You guys are great to be friends you both look stupid, along with British gay boy." The taller boy in the group spoke and pushed both Clay and the boy to the ground and then the group walked away.

George who saw everything ran up to the two and helped them get up. George looked at Clay and the boy for any bruises. After that Clay started wheezing confusing George and the tan boy. "He called you gay..when your bi" George slowly started giggling too. The boy was confused. "This is stupid..dots on your face..." George laughed and Clay joined wheezing violently scaring the tanned boy thinking Clay is choking.

Once the two boys stopped laughing they looked over to the tanned boy "i'm George, and this is Clay. What's your name?" George said softly and crossed his arms against his chest. "Nick.." George quickly stoop up and held out his hand. "Well, let's play!" Nick smiled and took George's hand.

Clay looked at Nick's hands still holding George's hands after they stood up. Clay quickly grabbed George's other hand. Nick who seem notice Clay's actions smirks. "Someone is jealous~" Nick jokingly. Clay's cheeks burned up and looked at George who have his eyes on their intertwined hand. George only laughed and kissed Clay's cheek and ran away to the sand box. Nick giggled as he walked away leaving the stiff blonde standing in the middle of the playground.

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