Chapter 5

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I now know that writing is a way for me to escape the real world and enter the world of fantasies. so much stress can be put onto people even me but. i believe i found a new coping method. being a creative person i like to think a lot. and waste time thinking of what to do and what to write. From now on i probably wont do requests and just write what i want and feel like. sorry if this disappoints anyone but know this is my decision


Dreams come true?

Y/N wakes up to the sound of wind and birds chirping. Opening his/her eyes Y/N notices that they once again awoke under the tree. Looking around Y/N sees the exact same thing from the dream. Confused Y/N crawls out of the area and goes to the lake, Being extremely careful of seeing the old man. Slowly taking sips of the blue almost clear water that Y/N has cupped in his/her dirty hands. A twig snapps behind Y/N sending him/her into a state of fear. Quickly turning around Y/N falls into the water and stares at a squirrel nibbling on something. the squirrel runs off and Y/N is left sitting in the water soaked once again. a soft sigh leaves Y/Ns lips as he/she crawls out from the water. Y/N lays on the sand letting the water slowly evaporate out of Y/Ns clothing. the sun hiding behind clouds then appearing again to warm Y/ns soul once again. this repeated till Y/Ns clothes were fully dry. witch took forever but Y/Ns imaginary friends kept him/her occupied. soon the daylight turned to darkness. what had felt like a couple of minutes was apparently a full day. the water has rose up to just below Y/Ns foot. Y/Ns notices how close the water is and moved back for fear the dry clothes would once again become soaked. she/he notices how dry there mouth felt. so she/he took a long drink of water. the squirrel coming up to Y/N once again and sitting next to him/her.

I am so sorry this isn't a long chapter but i was transitioning from in school to online agian.

Things became stressful and this is what I wrote sorry peps-

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