Chapter Three

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The next few days were spent in a similar fashion; going to work, pondering what I should do, then going home and spending more time debating what my best course of action would be.

On the fifth day, I finally got fed up. I picked up the phone, and punched in the same number I dialled a few days ago.

"I'm ready," I said as soon as the call connected. My voice held a certain confidence that wasn't present the last time I spoke to Professor Cain. "I want to see the school."

"That's great to hear! When are you free next? We can set up a time for me to show you our academy."

"Is tomorrow alright? Perhaps around 1PM?" I responded.

"That's perfect. I can meet you on the corner of second street and we can go from there." We said our goodbyes then hung up.

It was settled. There was no going back now that we had a time and date set. The familiar feeling of self doubt began creeping up again, but I forced myself to push it down. I made this choice on my own and even though it might be foolish, I am going to force myself to go through with it for curiosity was getting the best of me.

I couldn't sleep that night. Every minute that changed on the clock brought me closer to the deadline and sent a wave of adrenaline throughout my body. Tomorrow I would be getting definitive answers. Whether or not I liked what I saw would be up to me, and if Professor Cain was true with his claims then my life would be changing drastically.

Eventually I was able to shut off my brain and get in a few hours of sleep.


The weather gradually shifted from sunny days to overcast; the wind carrying a chill in it.

I grasped my coat closer to my body as a shiver racked through my arms. It was ten till 1, and I was already standing on second street awaiting the arrival of the mysterious Professor Cain.

I was too anxious waiting in my house, so I left early, grabbing a coffee on the way, thankful for the little bit of warmth it provided me. I brought it up to my lips and took a long sip, the caffeine mixing with uncertainty to create a new buzz in my body.

From over the lid I could spot a man walking towards me. His navy suit was much formal then the beige one that he previously appeared to me in.

"Good evening," I greeted politely.

"Good day, Ellie." He returned the pleasantries. "Shall we be off then?" He nodded his head and began walking.

I took a few long strides to match his pace as we made our way further down the street. Bystanders would only see what appeared to be two well acquainted friends walking side by side, not a Professor and a prospect on a mission into the unknown.

"Where exactly are we going?" I thought out loud somewhat to myself, although I still expected an answer.

He glanced back at me, probably seeing if I was keeping up with him. "Remember how I said confidentiality was important to us? Well we can have just anybody stumbling upon our establishment. They would be in a right shock seeing kids with wings flying around," he said with a hint of amusement laced in his voice.

Kids with wings? I almost didn't want to believe him, but then I remember I could literally change to look like anyone I saw and that made things more plausible for me. If it was possible for me to do that, then how far off would it be for someone to be able to fly. Still, he was talking in riddles and I shot him a look as if to say he needed to spell things out for me.

"To answer your question, we are going to the train station."  He said as if it was obvious.

We walked in silence for a couple more minuets. I wanted to flood him with questions, but thought it wise to save them for later knowing it would be best to ask once we got to the school, away from the ears of overly gossipy people keen to pry into the conversations of others.

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