| C H A P T E R 4 |

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| thursday morning at 6am |

y/n woke up earlier than seonghwa as usual and she saw that this room isn't her and she saw seonghwa sleeping on the floor and she decided to wake seonghwa up and ask him to sleep on his own bed instead as she would go out and wash up and make breakfast. seonghwa decided to hug y/n and sleep for another 5 mins before getting up and wash up. seonghwa grab y/n hands and hug her to sleep on his bed and y/n said "hey seonghwa, wake up" seonghwa said "give me 5 more mins and i'll wake up" y/n said "alright, only 5 mins" seonghwa just nodded his head and sleep for another 5 mins.

| 6:05am when seonghwa wakes up fully |

seonghwa wake y/n up to wash up and y/n blushes as she has been lying in seonghwa's arms. After she went to wash up and start making breakfast, she didn't dare to look seonghwa in the eyes and she keep averted her eye from making eye contact with seonghwa. 

| During lesson time |

seonghwa noticed that y/n has been averting her eye from him and he decided to ask y/n what's wrong. seonghwa asked "y/n, why are you keep averting your eyes from mine?" y/n shyly said "be-because in the morning you pulled me and i was in your arms taking a 5 mins nap before you're fully awake" seonghwa smiled when he heard that from y/n and he said "y/n, you don't have to be shy. You're mine to be begin with" and he whisper to y/n's ear and said "even grandfather approve us being together." y/n had a shocked and said what and seonghwa just laughed at her and said "it's real, don't believe you can go ask grandfather about it". 

| Lunch break |

as usual that seonghwa and y/n always sticks around and go for their lunch break in their school canteen and sit together with Hongjoong and Kayna. seonghwa and y/n brought the same food while hongjoong and kayna brought the same food. they enjoyed eating together during lunch break and also enjoy hanging out together during school hours and after school ends as nobody can ever separate the 4 of them as their friendship are so strong that no matter what happens, it will never break. 

| School ends |

As usual they are waiting for the driver to come and fetch them home. Emma and her gang appeared behind them and emma pulled y/n's hair and pulled y/n to their side and seonghwa is being angry with emma of not stopping her unacceptable behaviors. When seonghwa is about to scold emma and save y/n back from emma and her gang, his grandfather came and told emma to let go of y/n, her soon-granddaughter-in-law. Emma heard him and said " soon-gr-granddaughter in law?!" Mr park said "yes, my soon-granddaughter-in-law, is there any problem?" Emma said "n-no problem mr park." Mr park said "can you now let go of my soon-granddaughter-in-law now?" Emma told her gang to let y/n go and y/n quickly run into seonghwa's arms and emma and her gang quickly left and y/n said "thank you grandfather" in a shaking tone as she was being scare by emma and her gang just now. 

| Went back home |

They went to bath and come out and do their work while seonghwa is accompanying his grandfather after bathing. y/n is doing her homework with hongjoong and kayna in the dinning room table and also make notes for the chapters that are not taught yet so that when their teachers go through the topics, they can just add more important key terms into the notes. 

| seonghwa and his grandfather p.o.v |

grandfather asked seonghwa how's y/n this few days after emma keep on bullying her. Seonghwa said this few days y/n looks like she's okay but i know inside her she doesn't feel okay and she is always sticking by my side as she knows that i'll protect her from any harms. grandfather said to seonghwa "that's good to know and take care of my soon-granddaughter-in-law properly ok" seonghwa heard it and he blushes and said "yes grandfather, grandfather let's go eat dinner, it's so late now" grandfather said "ok, i'm hungry already haha"

| Dinner time |

y/n personally cooked her few best dishes and let grandfather try it and grandfather gave her comments that are good and she smiled happily and after dinner they sit down and watch some shows and grandfather said it's time for him to go home and he will see them tomorrow in school. y/n told the driver to send grandfather home safely and y/n also told grandfather to send a text to seonghwa when he has reach home safely.

| *hal-abeoji* |

grandfather: seonghwa, I have reach home safely please inform y/n.

seonghwa: ok grandfather, I will inform her after she done bathing.

grandfather: ok, you all rest well, see you all tomorrow.

seonghwa: see you tomorrow too and rest well too.

-----------------END OF CONVERSATION---------------

| in y/n's room |

y/n saw seonghwa sitting on her bed and she ask "why are you in my room seonghwa?" seonghwa said "oh, I'm here to inform you that grandfather has reached home safely as he asked me to inform you." y/n said "okay, thanks for informing me, is there anything you need other than informing me about grandfather reached home safely?" seonghwa said "nope, I going back to my room now, have a good rest and anything remember to run into my room ok" y/n said "ok, you rest well too." seonghwa gave y/n an good night kiss on her forehead before leaving her room and y/n blushes in front of seonghwa and seonghwa just chuckled and smiled and he left y/n's room.

| bedtime |

y/n is just packing her study materials into her bag for tomorrow's lessons and she realised that she left her maths homework in seonghwa's room and she decided to went into seonghwa's room and take it back and she knock on her door and seonghwa did not heard her knocking on his door and when y/n open his bedroom door, y/n saw seonghwa shirtless in his room and she quickly cover her eyes with her hands and seonghwa saw y/n outside and he quickly wear his clothes and he asked y/n "is there anything you need y/n?" y/n said "I need to take my maths homework that i left in your room last night" seonghwa remember that he forgot to returned y/n in the morning "wait a moment, I'll pass you" seonghwa went to his bag and take out y/n's maths homework and pass her. seonghwa said "there you go" y/n said "thank you seonghwa" *leaving a big smile on her face* and seonghwa love y/n's smile. After y/n took back her maths homework, she immediately put it inside her bag and she went to bed after that.

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