Chapter 1

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It was a typical friday evening. Courtney sat in her apartment, staring out the window that was stricken with rain. Fall was in full swing in Seattle, so that meant there would rarely be a day without a drop of rain in the air, but Courtney didn't mind.

She enjoyed the crisp chill that covered her skin the moment she left her apartment building. Her lyft arrived out front and she said a brief greeting to the driver before pulling out her phone. As she reached her destination, she couldn't help but hope that the night would surprise her. Of course, she loved routines and found comfort in knowing what was in store. Yet another part of her craved excitement and adventure, a side of her that was hidden and only appeared around certain people. Maybe tonight would be one of those nights. A girl can dream.

As she walked into the bar, her friends waved her over to the table that had reserved. A bottle of red wine had been opened and left on the table, so it was time to unwind.

"Courtney!! We missed you", said Bridgette, one of her best friends since high school.

"Girl, it's only been a week since we last saw each other. You act like we live in different states", laughed Courtney.

Bridgette was the sort of friend you could always rely on. Kindness ran through her veins and she exuded a type of chill mentality that would put anyone at ease. Courtney secretly envied her ability to relax and just go with the flow, but it was that reason that balanced their friendship so well.

"About time you got here, Gwen will NOT stop talking about her fiancé and it's making me want to reach out to my ex again", sighed Heather.

"Excuse me for being excited about my engagement, some of us aren't bitterly single because we know how to express our emotions in a healthy manner", retorted Gwen.

"Bitch, don't even get me started. I'm not in the mood to win another argument", Heather sassily replied.

"Alright guys, take it down a notch. This evening just began. Let's not start it off with a fight", Bridgette intervened.

"Speaking of fiancés, how's Geoff, Bridgette?", Courtney asked to change the topic to something less tense.

"Oh he's great! Super busy at work,  bur he always makes time for me. We've almost narrowed down our wedding date too!", Bridgette said.

"Sooo exciting!", replied Courtney.

"Gwen, any idea when Mr. Boy band will wanna officially tie the knot? You know since you've been engaged for, what is it now, 5 years?", Heather started.

"Heather you are asking to get slapped...", Gwen's eyes narrowed and knew she was just jealous that she had a romantic someone in her life and she didn't.

See Heather had gotten out of a long-term relationship with her boyfriend Alejandro because she decided commitment just wasn't for her. Now when any mention of monogamy arises, she always had a strong opinion. I don't know how Alejandro put up with her for so long.

"I have an idea! Why don't we try and set Courtney up with someone? See any possibly attractive options?", suggested Bridgette.

"Ugh, as I've said many times before, I don't want to date anyone right now, Bridgette" Courtney said.

"I think that's a load of BS Courtney, because you've been single and lonely for a long time now. It's time to put yourself out there and test the waters. Who knows, maybe you'll surprise yourself?", encouraged Bridgette.

"Fine. You can all suggest someone and I get final say in who I want to go talk to"

The girls began searching around the bar, looking for potential candidates. Gwen found a guy with black hair that had a slight green tint, nursing a drink at the bar. She thought he looked desperate enough.

Heather saw a guy with tanned skin and modelish good looks talking to some friends at another table. Definite potential there.

Bridgette finally landed on a goofish looking guy with messy brown hair. He looked shy, but had a nice demeanor.

As the girls pointed out their choices, Courtney contemplated her options. The sad, loner looked like a bad boy just aching to break her heart. Pass.

The guy with tanned skin was drop dead gorgeous but seemed full of himself.

The nerdy guy didn't seem like the worst option, that is until his boyfriend came over and kissed him. Sigh. Why are the good ones always gay or unavailable. No disrespect, it just seems like the only good men out there don't actually exist except for in fairytales.

"I'm going to settle for Heather's choice", Courtney finally decided.

"Yes! I knew you'd pick mine", Heather smirked.
"Well, what are you waiting for?"

Courtney took a deep breath and walked towards the corner where he stood. She was about to arrive when she ran into none other than the loner at the bar.

"Whoa, watch where you're go-- oh, sorry. Hey be careful, wouldn't want you bumping into the wrong guy", he slyly smiled and walked away.

Well, fuck. Courtney knew she had made the wrong choice.

Watching the Rain FallHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin