Part 16:

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Sanyukta knew it,that very moment, when he smirked at her, she was up against someone who was so very unpredictable. “What the hell is going on in his mind? Why have I been promoted? Who am I up against?” so many questions were wandering in her mind, and the most important of it all was “Why is he even fighting with me? What did I do?” to which she would never get an answer, unless she comes closer to Randhir, which was a task next to impossible. Every approaching step towards the door, made her heart race so fast.. “I don’t have an option.. I am in this game.. So I have to play it, either his way or my way.. Backing out is never an option… Sanyukta, be brave.. You have seen the worst in your life.. This can be nothing when compared to that pain.. If you can bear that, you can win this one too.. Chalo.. Go inside.. Face him.. “ she motivated herself..

She opened the door of his room, expecting a pair of raging eyes.. “May I come in Sir?” words stumbled out of her mouth.. When she looked up, the sight she saw was something unusual.. Randhir was smiling at her.. “This guy knows how to smile? I cant believe this. Thappad zor se laga diya kya meine? Kahi pagal toh nai ho gaya yeh? Thappad ke badle promotion? Yeh kya baat hui?” She wondered..  “Welcome Miss Whatever Agarwal.. We now share the cabin.. You’re so damn lucky do you know that?” he smiled again…”Kahi isse selective amnesia toh nai ho gaya?” Sanyukta’s mind voice teased “Pata nai ab kya kaand karne wala hai yeh.. Aise has raha hai jaise already kuch plan karke rakha ho.. I am sure he has planned something for me.. I am sure.. “ she said to herself…

“Yeah you are right Miss MD.. I have great plans for you..” he announced, as if he had read her mind.. Sanyukta was shocked.. “Matlab I have great plans for you as my subordinate Miss MD..” she let out a sigh of relief.. “But sir..You are the MD I am the new GM na…Then why are you calling me MD?” she seemed confused.. Randhir got up from his chair and walked upto her, with his trademark sarcastic smile.. He leaned infront of her.. “How smart! By the way, let me clear it out. You are not the “Managing Director” wali MD.. I call you as MD coz you are Miss Dash.. Woh kya hai na.. Public me whenever I call you as Dash, people tend to think otherwise about me.. In order to save myself from that embarrassment, I have named you as MD  Miss Dash.. Got it?”

“Sir I am a lady and I deserve respect.. Why cant you be a bit fair to me? I am sure aapke life me koi bhi ladki nai hogi.. Shayad isiliye you don’t know how to treat girls.. Agar hoti bhi toh ab tak bhag gayi hoti coz you are such a monster.. Aur fir aapko mere naam se kya problem hai? Why cant you just call me Sanyukta?” she argued.. The moment, he heard that name, blood gushed up his brain.. He turned to hit her, but his hand stopped midway.. His eyes totally red, his hands itching to hurt her, Sanyukta was stunned to see him becoming a Monster..Her eyes shifted its focus from his hand to his eyes.. There was something in his eyes, that made her sympathize him, there was some unsaid pain.. She kept staring into his eyes while he screamed “Out…!” she sighed “Sirr..But the work!” “I said Outttttt..!” he screamed.. She had no option but to leave the place immediately.. All the way, she failed to wink, her eyes were fixed on the Monster who was standing in front of her.. “Something is wrong.. Something is totally wrong.. Something in me is triggering him big time.. This anger and rudeness is not true, in fact, he is using it to hide his vulnerability..I think he is hurt..” She kept thinking about him, till she reached her old seat.. Ankita pulled her leg “Hey Sanyu, kya hua andar? Have you taken charge?” she teased, forcing Sanyukta out of her trance.. “Why Am I even bothered? Woh hurt ho ya na ho, mujhe kya? I shouldn’t be even thinking about him.. Oh God.. I totally forgot that work.. I need to rush now” she rushed out of her office, bidding good bye to Ankita and thus forcing Randhir out of her nervous system.. Randhir pulled his room’s curtain to find her.. She was nowhere to be seen.. He rushed out of his cabin too and kick started his bike..

Sanyukta was happy that she had finally, completed the pending work that she had, since the day she had reached Mumbai..She felt satisfied.. “I need to go for a shopping.. I need it badly.. Only a good shopping can relieve me of all this stress..” she decided.. In the next 5 mins, she was out there, in the road, like a free bird.. Mumbai was much different than Delhi.. It was more busier, everybody were minding their own business. Sanyukta entered a mall, it was a huge one with almost all the branded stores.. The moment she entered, she felt as if she had entered a new world.. There were so many couples around her.. Seeing a couple, initially would make her heart bleed, but now it didn’t make much of a difference.. “I am recovering” she said to herself smiling.. She scanned through all the clothes in the ‘Lifestyle’ shop..  All seemed good.. She quickly pulled 3 clothes, and made her way to the Trial room.. “Let me try them on me.. I ll take the ones that suits me..” she entered one of the trial rooms and locked it from inside.. The moment, she pulled her shawl, she heard some giggling noise coming out from the adjacent room.. That noise was so very disturbing... She tried hard to concentrate on her new clothes, but couldn’t.. Continuous giggles made her go mad… She rushed out of her trial room and sneaked into the adjacent one, from where the noise emerged.. The scene she saw, drove her mad.. A guy was kissing a girl inside the trial room and the girl didn’t seem to have any problem.. Sanyukta lost her control..

Randhir’s bike was out of his control.. Her words taunted him.. “Agar hoti bhi toh ab tak bhag gayi hoti..” “I am sure aapke life me koi ladki nai hogi” … His bike found its way to  his flat, he literally dropped his bike on the parking area and reached for the stairs.. He never wanted his vulnerable side to be visible to the outer world.. He dashed into his house and slammed the door shut..

Sanyukta never knew from where and how she got such a strength.. She dragged the guy out of the room and slapped him hard on his face, leaving the crowd in the mall stunned.. She never stopped with one slap, she went on and on and on, until the guy was completely down on the floor.. She breathed hard staring at him, her eyes widened.. “Don’t you dare touch a girl like that..” she warned.. She wasn’t herself now.. In a few minutes, when she recovered, she could hardly understand what was going around her.. All she could remember was the scene that she saw inside the trial room.. By the look of the others, she assumed that she must have hit him.. “Oh God! Did I hit him? Did I?” she rushed out of the mall, trying to escape the embarrassment she had just caused to herself.. She quickly reached her flat, and slammed the door shut, shutting herself away from the outside world..

Randhir dropped himself to the floor, and let his real Randhir take control over him.. Tears drenching his shirt, he screamed “I am not a Monsterrr… I am not… I was forced to become one…. The only mistake of my life was to love her.. As a result, I hate everyone now.. I hate you alllll..” he threw the things around him.. A glass broke and thus hurt his hand.. His hands were now bleeding but less than his heart.. Sanyukta glued herself to the wall, “Kyun kiya tumne aisa? Kyun? You’ve taken away from me everything that I need to live.. You took my soul and have made me a dead body… I hate Men.. I hate them all.. In fact you have turned me into a Monsterrrr...” she kept hitting the wall..  Randhir and Sanyukta kept weeping the whole night, they forgot to sleep, eat and even breathe..They just lay there like two lifeless souls.. No matter what, they would never trust anyone in their lives anymore, not that easily..

Next morning, Randhir’s eyes opened with the sound of his alarm clock.. He got up hastily, he went upto the mirror to check his face.. All night’s cry had made him look like someone else.. He turned to leave while something caught his eyes… He got tensed “What the hellllll!”

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