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'No mama,plish don't leave me...mama I can't live without you dada ish scary...no mama please don't go..mamaaaaaa'-Sanha woke up from the nightmare panting heavily when someone splashed cold water on him.He was breathing heavily and his mind couldn't process what was happening right now.He saw two men standing by his bed side with smirk on face.

'See who we have here...the home wrecker!' - first one spoke.

'yah aren't you being bold? what if he complains to mom?' the other one said and both of them started laughing loudly.

'Rocky hyung MJ hyung what are you guys doing here?' Sanha spoke finally after getting back to sense.

'It's our house you brat.How dare you ask us that..wait wait wait don't tell me just because our parents pity you and call you son, you really thought yourself as one?' Rocky spoke with gritted teeth harshly pulling bunch of Sanha's hair.Sanha cried in pain tried to get out of Rocky's pull but winched in more pain when Rocky dragged him from his bed to floor and started to kick him in stomach and chest.Sanha cried in silence not even protesting or trying to protect himself.Rocky kicked him for one last time and exited the room with Mj tailing behind.

Sanha didn't have the strength to get up but suddenly he heard footstep and sound of his mom's calling out his name.He forcefully pulled himself up and went to the washroom, freshened up and came out with a happy face.He wore his broad & bright fake smile and greet his mom who was impatiently waiting for him sitting at the edge of his bed.
'Oh sweetie I thought you would still be sleeping but look at you all fresh and wide awake.'.Mrs.yoon spoke as he took the towel from his hand and ushered him to sit in front of her.He happily complied and sat on the floor in front of her back facing her and eyes closed silently devouring all the love he was getting from his mom.Mrs.Yoon dried Sanha's hair slowly and was smiling to herself.

'Mom, is there something you want to tell me?' Sanha asked.
'How did you know that I wanted to tell you something?'
''Mom I am your son I know Whenever you want to ask anything or nervous about something you maintain a long silence.Now drop the formalities and tell me what you want to"

"Um actually your dad..um h-he has found a girl for you" Mrs.Yoon said fidgeting with her fingers nervous about Sanha's reply.
"Mom isn't it too early for marriage? I mean both hyungs are still yet to get married how can I leave them behind and get married first?"
"I know sweetie but this proposal came for YOU.Your dad's close friend has proposed a very nice deal and promised to seal it the moment you marry his daughter.They know you already and the girl also likes you.If you are not ready then I will talk to your dad.I understand that you have lead an independent life and might even have someone in your life already.Just forget this conversation we had sweetie.I will convince your dad'
'Mom mom mom calm down.You know I can never go against your and dad's wish.I don't have anyone in my life.You let dad know that I agreed to his decision' Sanha said cupping his mom's face whose eyes were now shinning with pride and happiness.

It was early evening.Sanha was walking by road near his house.He was deep in his thought.He couldn't say no to his mom.He could never hurt that person who is the only reason he is still breathing.But somehow this decision didn't feel right.He never got the chance to get into a relationship or something as he was always busy with his study and job afterwards.But he definitely didn't plan to get married this way.He was walking and walking suddenly his eyes fall on a woman on the other side of the road who was playing with a kid in her arms.Another kid of around eight or nine aged was standing near her.Sanha felt as if the world stopped right there.Everything seemed blurry except that woman and the infant in her lap.He didn't even realise when he started taking steps towards her.Suddenly he felt someone pushed him harshly from behind and when he turned around all he saw was a man in the air who fell down with a thud sound and blood scattering all over him.Sanha was dumb founded at the event.He froze at his spot.Someone shook him out of his trance and was screaming to help him carry that injured man to hospital.He gathered himself and ran toward that man and pulled his head into his lap shaking him and calling him.But the man was unconscious and covered in blood.He pull him up in bridal style and brought him to the other stranger's car.

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