Talk 3

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Talk 3
Reason 3

-Wow, that's crazy...- Said George, while he looked at his coffee, confused.

He could almost imagine sapnap with long hair.

He was really starting to think that Sapnap caused the same dilemas and issues as a woman.

-But I suppose girls act differently, don't they?- Dream asked, smiling- Has to be more challenging- He specified, closing his eyes and nodding slowly, you could see George trying to come up with something to say.

-Girls can also be very sensitive from time to time, at least some of them- George said, as he removed his gaze from his coffee to hear what Dream had to say.

-Hmm?- He moved his head in confusion, and George thought his dignity could still be saved, that there was still something only he had to deal with.

-There are days of the month where girls become more sentimental and take everything more deeply- He said almost proudly, he was certain that Dream knew what he was talking about, even if his lover was a boy, they both took biology class, there was no way-

-Sapnap has something similar!- Dream said cheerfully, smiling like it was the most common thing in the world. - He gets very grumpy at the end of the month-


You could find Dream laying down on the bed he shared with his lover, he had finished editing a video and he found himself growing tired, so he tried to disconnect for a little bit.

Even tough he knew his peace wouldn't last a while.

-Dreammmm!- He shouted as he barged into the room. Dream whispered some curses, trying not to sound disturbed by sapnap's presence.

-oh sorry, am i bothering you?- Sapnap asked, almost offended, letting himself lean against the door frame and waiting for a response. Dream leaned against his elbows so he could get a better look at what was happening.

-No, no- He said, he knew exactly how these days were going to go and he didn't want problems, especially not now, since he could feel himself growing tired by the minute.

-Mhm, I'm going for some burgers- He said while looking at Dream, who was now fully seated at the side of the bed.

-Wait, again?- he asked, sleepy.

-Are you saying I eat too much?- asked sapnap, you could hear the evident angriness in his voice, angriness that made dream's body shiver: it had started.

-No no! It's because you said you were going to eat less of those- Said the green lover boy in hope of not getting into a fight.

-So you're saying I'm fat- said the black haired one, a frown clearly on his face, Dream wanted to jump out the window.

-No!- he shouted, he didn't want him to misunderstand what he said.

-Are you raising your voice? At me, clay?- Said the shorter one, looking like he was about to explode. -Do you not love me anymore? Did you get tired of me? - he asked, eyes full of tears threatening to come out at any moment.

Dream gulped.

-I'm gonna get the ice cream, wait here- he said, jumping out of the bed and getting out of the apartment where the black haired guy stood.


-You're kidding me - George said, trying not to scream out of impotence.

-Nope, at the end of the month theres usually no ice cream, but he never tells me, instead he gets irritated and bipolar, both the psychologist and nutritionist say that's his way of releasing stress, eating, but since he's never done it in a excessive way, they allow it. He eats a cup every two days - Dream said with such a calm tone that it almost worried George.

-And when there's no ice cream...?- he muttered and Dream giggled.

-He gets stressed - he concluded. - But dealing with your girl should be more difficult- He said as he shrugged and grabbed a spoon, taking a little bites of his cake.

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