Talk 4

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Talk 4
Reason 4

-Girls also complain about how guys don't pay attention! - Said George, he didn't have any hopes in being "superior" in this, but he wanted to continue with the talk.

-Really? - Asked the blonde. -Sapnap also complains about that- He said, taking more sips of his coffee.

George wanted to die. that so?- he asked.

-It is!-


You could find sapnap streaming in his room, Dream had stayed in the living room waiting for the younger one to finish.

When the black haired one got out of the room he had an irritated expression, expression he only made when the streams didn't go as planned, cause usually, everything went well.

-They're such bitches! That's why I never leave the chat opened- Complained sapnap, sitting next to a Dream that was still reading.

-Leave it in subs only- He answered, looking slightly at his lover.

-They're also annoying from time to time- He said -They do know how to ruin a mood-

-Don't pay attention to them if it really bothers you- Dream said, trying to give the easiest solutions so he could go back to reading.

-But I have to read the chat...-He said, so low he could almost miss it.

-Then do it- Said Dream, giving the "solutions" to sapnap.

-For fucks sake Dream! You never pay attention to me!- Yelled sapnap, taking away the book from his lovers face, which made Dream look at him in confusion.

-I am paying attention- He said, looking at the now mad, sapnap.

-No, you don't even care!- Complained the black haired one, biting his lip.

-I do care- Said Dream -I'm giving you the solutions!- He added.

-I just need you to listen!- He said, confusing the other one.

He took a deep breath, trying to remain unbothered.

-Fine, what's wrong?- He asked, smiling in the most loving way and grabbing sapnap cheeks.

-They can be so annoying sometimes- he said as he pouted.


-After that I understood that sapnap didn't want solutions, he just wanted someone to listen, it doesn't work like me and you, when we talk about problems it's for the other one to give answers, he just wanted me to listen.......George, What are you doing with the napkin?- Said Dream.

George had been writing down everything Dream said, this could definitely help him in his upcoming marriage and what Dream said appeared to be the right thing.

-Nothing- He said while putting the napkin he took from the table in his pockets.

-But uhm.., I guess it should be harder for you, has to be different- he said with a friendly smile.

-Ehm yeah- Said the older one.

May god bless your soul; he thought.

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