Chapter 4 | Planning

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After what felt like hours of Mrs. Palloma droning on about Semitic religions and their origins, Gina leaned over and whispered in Winter's ear.

"So, there's this big party we do with St. Paul's every year at the campgrounds." She flipped her red hair over her shoulder as she leaned in closer. "It's kind of the kicking-off point for parties every year," she explained.

Winter hummed in interest. She'd already caught wind of the event when a guy in her law class named Mark mentioned it.

"And, since you're new here, we should definitely go," she ventured.

Gina seemed like she was going to say more but stopped herself when she noticed Mrs. Palloma catching onto their clandestine chat. Winter considered whether she really wanted to spend a whole night with possibly hundreds of inebriated teenagers she didn't know.

She didn't, but she convinced herself otherwise. She nodded and gave a thumbs-up of approval over her shoulder. Gina smiled, leaning onto her elbows in satisfaction.

When English rolled around, Mr. Angelino was preparing to announce which Shakespearean works would be studied for the semester. He really liked to make a show of things, Winter found. He was currently hugging the mystery plays to his chest, tip toeing across the front of the class as he lectured on the significance of Shakespeare's writings.

Winter was praying, whispering the phrase 'please be Macbeth' like a mantra and clasping her hands together. Rick, who was beside her, snickered.

"And for the first play, we have..." Mr. Angelino turned to a student and requested a drumroll to build up the anticipation. "A comedy: The Taming of the Shrew!" he howled.

Winter, still repeating her mantra, awaited the announcement of which tragedy they would be reading.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for," Mr. Angelino began, sending Winter a sly grin. It seems he caught on to her. "Hamlet!"

Winter slumped in her seat and groaned, and Rick snickered even more.

"You can't win 'em all," he said, looking at the deflated girl beside him. She gave him a wistful look which only made him laugh more.

She pursed her lips. "Well, hopes really are like hair ornaments," she lamented.

"Oh!" Rick said, snapping his fingers in recognition and pointing at Winter. "Memoirs of a Geisha, right?"

Winter eyed him suspiciously. Rick certainly didn't look like the type to read Memoirs of a Geisha, let alone be capable of quoting it. Winter smirked and nodded.

"Color me impressed, Rick," she intoned.

He smiled like a child praised.

"Honestly, I was kind of wondering why you were in AP," she admitted, feeling a little guilty for her assumptions. Rick really didn't look like the type to indulge in reading.

He nodded thoughtfully before quoting, "Well, people see what they look for and hear what they listen for."

"Oh, easy. To Kill a Mockingbird," Winter said, answering his unasked question.

Rick grinned at her, a sparkle in his green eyes.

"Rick, Winter. Stop talking," warned Mr. Angelino. The guilty parties shared an amused look with one another, trying (and mostly failing) to stifle their snickering until the teacher glared at them.

Winter made the mistake of looking past the lanky boy's shoulder to be met with Murdoch's cold glare. She did her best to ignore him for the remainder of class, but as she made her way to her locker to get ready for lunch, she felt a strong hand smoothly hook around her bicep, turning her around mid-step.

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