Chapter 5 ➵

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"Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. Three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and a Seeker" Oliver explained to me and Ron as we stood out on the training field, both just as nervous as the other.

I stood with the broomstick in my hand, it was light enough to hold, but the power it had could be potentially very dangerous, and that's the part I didn't like.

"There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the quaffle." Oliver was extremely professional and expansive when talking about Quidditch.

"Wow, you really know your stuff, ey Wood?" I teased, trying to relive the tension Ron was emitting through his pasty skin and excessive sweat.

Oliver smiled slightly "Yes, I certainly do, which is why you need to listen" He bossed "Now the Chasers, they handle the ball and try to get this ball into those three hoops." He spoke proud as he pointed to an open box with different burgundy coloured balls inside and then over to the large intimidating hoops sat tall above us "The keeper, that's me... " Oliver spoke, then pointing to himself, forcing me to hold back a chuckle that spilled into a smile "...defends the hoops. You with us so far?"

"I-i think so" Ron stuttered slightly before turning his head to me.

I nodded more confident "Yep"

"Are you sure, Via? This can get dangerous, you need to make sure you know what you're doing" Oliver spoke with concern.

"You are the one that dragged me into this so if anything happens to me I'm blaming you" I kidded, pointing at him and making him roll his eyes at the fact that he could not contain a smile at my confidentiality flirtatious but playful behaviour.

Ron made a quiet 'yuck' sound before changing the subject; "What're those?"

"Ah that one..." Olivers interest swiftly being lead back to Quidditch as he handed Ron a beater "You may want to take this."

Oliver unlatched a Bludger out of the box, backing up to stand in front of me in an almost protective stance. The Bludger flew up almost too quickly to see it.

"Careful now, it's coming back" Oliver instructed Ron, not taking his eyes off the Bludger for even a second.

Ron prepared himself, elevating the beater backward over his head and slamming it right into the Bludger perfectly.

Myself and Oliver stood in a state of ore "Not bad, Weasley" Oliver praised "You'd make a fair beater."

"Uhhh oh, really?" Ron said doubtful in his skills.

The Bludger began to cascade back down towards me, but before I could even react Oliver had captured it with a great thud to his chest, securing it back in the box after it'd continued to gurgle more angrily "Bludgers are nasty little buggers."

"Hey Oliver, what's that gold one right there?" I spoke, a sudden overwhelming interest igniting inside my stomach like nothing I had ever felt before.

"That, Miss Greystone, is the only thing I want you to worry about when it comes to Quidditch" Oliver smiled, but differently like he was excited.

Excited that I was excited.

"This is the Golden Snitch" Oliver beamed down at me, handing me the tiny little shiny globe.

"It's beautiful" I spoke, feeling a liquid warmth take over my body as I took it from Oliver's hand.

"You like it now. Just wait. It's fast and damn near impossible to see" Oliver explained.

"What do you do with it?" I asked.

Oliver cleared his throat as though he didn't want to say.

"You catch it" Ron said, like it actually was impossible.

Oliver smiled gently "Yes, but before the other team Seeker" He looked down at me, not taking his eyes from me and slipping his hand into mine to scoop back the Snitch; "You catch this, and you win"

I beamed at the Snitch, I never thought I would be so attached to the idea of putting myself in such a dangerous position but it was as though something had embedded itself into my core and all I wanted to do was catch the Golden Snitch.

I glanced over to the other side of the training pitch whilst Oliver packed away the equipment; "I still need to learn to fly first" I muttered watching the players over the way riding their brooms as though it was second nature.

"You okay?" Ron spoke from behind me.

I frowned at the other players, realizing it was the Hufflepuff Quidditch team that were practicing, and to my surprise, there he was again, the Hufflepuff boy in his training uniform, strolling across the pitch, his head turning to see me, Ron, and Oliver before he caught my eyeline and didn't let go.

"Do you know who that is?" I asked Ron, my gaze unable to detach from the boy.

Ron looked over, squinting to get a better look; "Who?" He responded.

"You know what, it's nothing" I shook my head, finally retreating to reality and dragging away from the mysterious boy when Oliver had finished clearing up.

"So, flying then..."

Ron gulped "Right..."

"First thing to know is to keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. Got it?" Oliver explained as Ron and I shot one another a look and mounted our Hogwarts brooms.

I steadied my broom as instructed, looking up at Oliver who was, not only one of the best flyers and players to ever walk through Hogwarts, but also staring right at me, probably judging my first attempt at flying; which was proving difficult as I couldn't seem to get off of the ground. I'm not sure if it was the pressure of having Oliver Wood right there or because I was actually absorbed into the idea of playing now and I didn't want to mess it up. Either way, my mind ran at a hundred miles an hour and I just couldn't seem to hack it, I squeezed my eyes shut, imagining myself floating.

"Bloody hell" I heard Ron's faint voice rattle through my head like he was shouting from across the field.

I quickly opened my eyes to see the horizon beyond the Forbidden Forest, calmly smiling to myself before looking down and realizing I was about 15 feet higher than Oliver who held his hand up to shield his face from the sun as he looked at me; "I mean I said a few feet but that'll do" He shouted up.

I couldn't believe I had done it, my sudden fear of broomsticks and flying fluttered away as the intense rush of adrenaline soared through me and a small hesitant laugh emerged from my chest.

Ron was just slightly below my level but doing just as good, if not better, at keeping his nerves at bay; "Hey isn't that Professor Sprout?" He shouted up.

I looked over to where the Hufflepuff team was still playing, the angry Quidditch boy stood frustratedly talking with our Head of House; Professor Sprout.

"She doesn't look very happy" Ron pointed out with a grin.

"Yeah, I wonder what's happened" I replied.

"If it's something to do with Diggory, it can't be bad, he's never a bother to anyone" Oliver commented from down below.

"Diggory?" I spoke to myself, watching as he paced over the pitch with Professor Sprout, his damnable eyes once more finding mine as I floated in midair on my broom, but before I could say another word I was waking up to Madam Pomfrey's face glaring down at me.

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