Chapter 2

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Vinnie's POV

"Here is your tux sir" Tom handed me my tux for tonight and left

Having fancy parties known as balls are so common around here. I don't mind them that much, sometimes if we get lucky, me and the boys have an after party. The after party consists of drinking, loud music, and maybe invite over some girls.

Ring Ring


"Why weren't you answering me" it's Elizabeth

"I'm getting ready for the ball" I said trying not to sound irritated

"Well okay I was just-"

I hung up. I'll just tell her that my phone died.

Elizabeth has been my "girlfriend" for a while. The only reason I tolerate her is because she is a good kisser and because my parents like her, so why not.

The negative side of being with her is that she is so clingy. Always wondering what I'm doing every second of the day. I'm starting to think she is a little crazy.

The boys don't really like her, but they don't know my parents like that. My parents think that I should marry her since her royal blood would be good when I get crowned king.

It's not even that close, in order for me to be crowned king my dad basically has to die. So I'm good, plus who would even want me to rule. I just feel like I'm such a disappointment to my family.

Coronation is supposed to be the best thing. It just doesn't seem all that good. All the work would give me a big headache. I would rather have someone else be crowned.

"Another day, Another tux" I said sighing, that should be my motto


Paris's POV

"Is Cameron meeting you at the ball or coming to pick you up" my mom asked me

"Oh he is picking me up in his car" I told her

"How do I look" I was twirling in my dress

"Gorgeous" she said

"Gorgeous" she said

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^ the dress

"Oh he is here, bye mom love you" I kissed her cheek and left my room

"Tell your friends I said hi" she called out

"Ms. Allen" the guard said bowing down to me, I told him he doesn't have to do that but he insists

"Now do you have everything you need" my butler George said

George has always been with me my whole life. When my parents would go away for trips, he is very serious around my parents, but very funny around me. He was like another father of mine.

"Yes?" I said unsure

"Purse? Phone? Lipstick? Lady essentials?"

"Yes, yes, yes, and of course"

"Be careful with the devil" George whispered

He didn't really like Cameron, my boyfriend. He always thought he was the trouble maker and just a rich suck up. He was, but he was overall a good boyfriend.

"I'll put my seatbelt on" I gave him a fist bump and a salute, then I walked down the stairs to Cameron

"Hey bae" he winked

"Hi" I gave him a little kiss on the lips before he started driving off with his car

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