Chapter 3

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Paris's POV

Just like every other party. The food is small and elegant. I would never admit it to my parents but I would rather eat McDonald's any time of the day then what they serve here. Usually George would sneak in orders so I can eat.

Waiters carrying long silver platter plates, while having others take their pick. Glasses of champagne and cups of tea all around the place.

Like any other ball, I had to greet everyone. It's annoying, over time one gets used to it.

"Who's birthday is it again" Cameron asked

"Vincent's cousins uhh fifth birthday, I think"

"How many cousins does this man have" he laughed

"Your family has just as amount of parties as they do" I said smiling

"Isn't that Vincent kid our age" he asked

"No older than 20 at least"

"He is friends with that Jordan kid"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well Jordan gives me these dirty looks all the time"

"Did you ask him why?" I said

"Why bother he is not a good waste of time"

"Hey guys" Nadia said giving me a hug, her boyfriend dabbed up Cameron

"What are you guys thinking" Joesph, Nadia's boyfriend said

"Well we can grab some drinks" Cameron said, he followed along with Joesph as me and Nadia stayed behind

"How's the party so far" an older lady probably in her 40's came up to us

"Great" we smiled

"You've met my son Troy, right?"

"No, I haven't" I said

"Well this is Troy, Troy say hi to the young ladies" The boy bowed down as a joke, right after his mom hit his arm and walked away annoyed

"Sorry about my mom, you know how the deal goes" he apologized

"Yeah exactly marry, have kids, die" Nadia said, Troy laughed

I've gotten encounters like this before. Moms asking me if I'm single and introducing me to their son. Cameron has gotten annoyed with it a couple of times.

I think that some moms should just let their kids be and find their own girlfriend or boyfriend. Well around here it's all like that. Our parents just want us to follow along with the royal blood.

When I started dating Cameron, my parents were more like they were happy. Instead of my dad saying something about how I shouldn't date until I'm like 40, he accepted it fast.

Not like a big accepting more like a nod and thumbs up. My mom was hysterical. I've had other boyfriends, just not as serious.

Me and Cameron have been only dating for a year. My parents think at this rate we are getting married. I even believe that they have a wedding planner on speed dial.


Vinnie's POV

"Where is Troy" he didn't come with us in the limo

"I think his mom wanted him to go look for a candidate" Jordan said

"Candidate for what" I said, Jordan waved around his ring finger

"Ohhh" I partly laughed

"There he is" Jordan pointed to him talking to two other girls

"Two of them, wow" I was shocked "and they are actually laughing"

"Wait that's Paris Allen and Nadia Beaufort" Jordan was squinting his eyes to try and see more

"Isn't that Paris girl dating that ass hat" I said

Cameron Parker has always been a royal pain. He was me and Jordan's friend before Troy came along. We were in middle school and Cameron would make us do stupid and dumb stuff.

I mean I'm not the goody two shoes, but what he wanted to do was extreme. Like, going to buy some alcohol and drugs. I'm pretty sure now he is still the same, just hiding it.

"Yeah, he isn't worth her time" Jordan said

"You like her or something" I nudged his arm

"I mean she is beautiful but overall any girl can do better" Jordan said, he isn't wrong

"Mhm" I was just joking with him at this point

"Look come on, you're saying that you don't think she is cute" Jordan looked at me

"I never said that" I put my hands up in defense

"Do you remember her from class?"

"All I know is that she always gets straight A's and everyone loves her" I said, stuff like that gets around easily here

"Maybe she can tutor you"

"Haha very funny" I was failing, I didn't really care

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