Chapter 6

117 8 6

Paris's POV

I put some sunglasses on to cover up my face. Nobody here has known me long enough to recognize me anyways.

I could hear the music from a block away. Must be a big crowd. I haven't been to a party in a while. Mostly because of school, my mom, and obviously Cameron.

It's not that I always listen to him about staying home, I just rather not waste my time fighting or getting home late, when I have work to do.

"Camila, you need to stop" someone took away a shot glass from this girl

"C'mon it's like your what" the girl's friend said

"I think 14th, but Nat you're on your-" the girl said

"20th wait now 21st" the friend drank the other girl's shot

It's 12 and people are already getting a strong type of drunk. Oh to be one of them, without the worries of life.

"Chug, chug, chug,chug"

I sat down in a little chair in the corner and grabbed a shot that people were filling up and handing out.

"Bottoms up" the guy who handed it winked at me, I drank the shot

It's been a long time since I've done that. Feels good to bring back old, fun memories.

"Yeah give me 5" someone tall sat in the chair next to me

"You look dead inside" he told me

"I am" I said looking at my shot glass

"You've got a bunch of drinks here, let it out" he opened his arms wide

"Look I would, I want to, but I can't" I said

"And why is that" I could feel him looking at me

"Why do you care" I said

"Oh come on, be fun"

"Being fun equals being drunk?" I said

"Yes" he said

"How do I know you are not gonna drug me or something" I said

"You're the one with the "shady glasses" he said

"Oh so I'm shady" I smiled now facing him, he gave off good vibes, like I knew he wasn't some rapist or anything

"Yeah and it's not even sunny out" He pointed to the full moon

"It could be"

"For all I know you could be some serial killer" he said

"Remind me to put you as number one on my kill list" I said

"It would do be a favor" we were both looking at the sky

"How about we just kill each other, you know, like a stake to the heart" I said faking a stake going through my heart


"How about a shot, you know before" I stuck my tongue, like I was dead

"I'll need more than a shot"


Vinnie's POV

"NOOO That's embarrassing" she laughed, we've now had a couple of shots, maybe more

"Yeah I had to spend three hours getting gum out of my hair"

"No but I bet you've never been chased by at least 5 chickens before"

"What stupid shit did you do to deserve that" I said

"I stole an egg"

"And I ate it" she acted like she won a grand prize

"So from your experience" I was laughing "would you say the chicken or the egg comes first"

"Tough question" she nodded

"I would say the chicken"


"Look the egg wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for the chicken" she pointed to her brain

"But how did the chicken get there" I said

"The egg from another chicken aka the first chick alive, it's kinda like magic" she said

"So you believe in magic then?"

"It's like the same thing with Aliens, it's like you feel like they could be real, but at some points you feel like it's just a fantasy" she said

"You make a good point" I said

Me and this girl have been talking about the most random and embarrassing life stories. It felt good, like there was a connection between us.

I only met her at least 2 hours ago, yet it feels like we have know each other forever. She was funny and if she took those glasses off, I just had a feeling she was  beyond gorgeous.

I could actually see myself with a girl like her. I just don't think it would work with this royal stuff. The party was filled with a few royals and some of them were how you would say middle class.

My parents would have a fit if I married anyone besides a royal. It was like their "most important rule" it was stupid.

"Oh shit, it's 2:30 am, I have to go" she got up, she was at least 5'7 standing up

"Well I was maybe wondering if-"

"My mom is gonna kill me"

"I'm sorry I hope I can see you again" that was the last thing she said to me that night

I wondered if I will be again to see her again

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this was kinda long, also ty for 150 reads

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