Part 2

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Akashi POV:

I was taking a little walk to refresh all my thoughts. I still was deep into sadness but now I felt calmer. It was like I finally accepted the fact that there is no going back. It hurted. A lot.

It was the start of April, around one year from when I first met Bokuto, it felt kinda nostalgic. I decided to go to the hospital, then sit in the garden next to it. It was still cold and there was a lot of wind that made my fingers freeze and my nose and cheeks red. I buried them deep into the scarf and only my eyes were out.

My hair was getting into the way but I didn't mind it. I could go that way even with my eyes closed. I wasn't really sure if that was something to be proud of, not that really matters.

I could smell the spring, the cherries already started to blossom, making the view of the city unmatched. I've always loved this time of the year. I guess the best things happen to me then.

I walked past the hospital for the first time in a while, a quick urge, more like an instinct, flashed trough my body, when I saw it. I almost went in but then I remembered there is nothing waiting for me there anymore.

I sat on a bench, facing one of the most magnificent trees and just watched it. My hands were in my pockets but I had to take my nose out of the scarf, because I was wearing glasses, which blurred more and more as I breathed.

After some time, my vision cleared and that's when my eyes really opened. The sun was making it's way through the big clouds and the little light that came from there was making everything seem magical. Like in some kind of dream.

I sat there for a while, thinking.

My thoughts were interrupted by a raindrop, which fell right on my nose. I forgot my umbrella so I decided to go home as fast as I can but the rain really was faster than me. The weather didn't wait even a second for me to find somewhere to hide.

Of course I could've just went into the hospital or the shop, but I wasn't ready. I didn't live far away so I wasn't going to be soaked. It was alright I didn't mind a little water.

As I was walking the rain got stronger and stronger. I had time struggling with walking, because there were so much puddles, I tried to escape from. I guess it didn't really go as planned.

I took of my glasses, so I can see better. I know it sounds dumb but my chances in seeing without them were bigger. The rain was falling so fast that it was looking like it was making a fog. My glasses were covered in raindrops.

Why didn't I bring an umbrella even tho when I went out, I smelled that rain was coming. But who would have thought it was going to be that strong.

Not long after I even heard a storm coming and saw a light fading, somewhere in the sky.

While I was walking I felt buzzing in my pocket. I guess it was my mom, who noticed my stupidity, to ask me where I am and am I coming home. I couldn't answer her now or my phone would stop working from soaking.

I was crossing the street, two turns away from home. Everything seemed fine, now I would calm down my mom, then take a warm shower so I don't get a cold. Maybe I would even eat ramen if my mom was in the mood for cooking. Not that I will make her, but she was the best cook, I wouldn't deny her.

While I was far away in my world, thinking what I will do when I get back, a loud noise snapped me back into reality. Was that the storm? No, it didn't sound like that. Before I could react the noise repeated itself becoming louder like it was getting close. In a few moments everything went black.

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