Part 5

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Akashi POV:

After I published my short book on a some social medias, it somehow blew up. It was made into a trend and a lot of people got interested and read it. That fact made me happy because I really succeeded in something.

Then a few years passed, I got my diploma from college. I even had presentations over my creation which I did not expect. And even tho I did so much, my life was very hard since the accident.

My health was in really bad shape. Sometimes I'd wake up and my whole body was in pain. I was week and now even a stupid cold was making me stay in bed for weeks till I stabilize.

I didn't forget Bokuto too. I was still missing him every lonely day. His golden eyes, smiling at me, was my though nonstop. Suffering was part of my life but I didn't tell anyone. It wasn't worth it.

One day I felt really tired and cold. I couldn't get out of bed, so I decided just to stay there and get a rest. I went to sleep, waiting for my parents to come back home, so they can check if everything was alright.

I woke up from a cold hand on my forehead, that was my mom. Her worried brown eyes stared right into me.

"Why didn't you call us? You are burning!"

I signed, I really didn't know why. I felt that I was getting sick but I didn't have the motivation to call them. They were just about to come home anyways.

But that was dumb thinking, I deep down knew that my situation can get worse every second. I wasn't as powerful as before. What was even crossing my mind a few hours earlier?

We stayed silent.

A few days passed but my condition wasn't getting any better, usually by now I should have stopped getting high temperature and stay only with annoying cough. Nothing seemed to help so my dad drove me to the hospital for an appointment.

My chest was filled with pain, like something was swallowing me from inside. I couldn't breathe normal. It almost felt like when I was in my most miserable moments. I couldn't stop trembling and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my body. I didn't know I was able to feel even more fatigue than usual.

My doctor ran some random tests on me and with everyone he looked more and more worried. After a couple minutes of silent in the white room, he started to speak. His eyes gave away the fact that it was not going to be good news.

"We should hospitalize your son for his safety. I am pretty sure he has pneumonia. We will start giving him antibiotics right away."

Great. Now I had to stay in a little room, coughing my breath away with needles coming out of my body and the only smell I would feel will be of sanitizer and cotton. I didn't want that.

So when I was placed in my room, I asked if my bed could be next to the window since I can't move on myself. It would be boring to be alone in the hospital. The doctors weren't really okay with that idea because I would get cold. My dad had a talk with them, that he will bring more blankets.

So here I am. Next to the window. Hugging Bokuto's navy blanket. Was this how he felt all of the time? Can't eat, can't sleep, can't talk, can't move, no one around to talk to, boring. It was painful but if only I could've get his pain away, I wouldn't hesitate.

It was like everything in my mind from a couple of years ago was repeating itself. I guess it was some sort of sad depressing nostalgia.

Hours turned into days and days into weeks. I had no clue of the time now. I was just a dry vegetable, kept alive for some reason.

Sometimes Kuroo would text me, to see how was I doing, but they never actually came to visit. It was alright, I didn't really care.

The antibiotics the doctors were filling me with, clearly didn't work as planned. At least if they were trying to poison me.

My whole body wouldn't be able to move because all of my energy went on staying awake. The coughing felt like thousands of knives piercing trough my chest.

The room I was left in was looking darker and colder now. With only me and the life system machines it looked like I was alone in a big and empty apartment.

I couldn't feel Bokuto's presence too. It was like he didn't want to see and protect me anymore.

I think in the moment I realized that, I gave up on my life. I did good, maybe I made someone proud, maybe saved someone's life. I don't know. But I had enough. I wanted to go already. There was nothing keeping me here anymore. Only pain and loneliness. My parents also looked like they gave up a long time ago.

Please, just let me meet Bokuto again next time, let me meet him and have a happy life.

Please, that's all I want.


And just like that in a single moment all my pain left. I didn't feel anything anymore. Just soft light surrounding me in its warm hug. I welcomed the pleasing invite, relaxing everything and letting myself to be one with it.

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