❣️T W O; Kitty Foreman •{PART 1}•❣️

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"I CAN'T BELIVE YOU GOT ME TO DO THIS WITH YOU." (Y/N) said staring at the bottle of beer in her hand. "You know I've been trying to sober up recently."

Letting out a barking laugh swigging back a shot. Kitty leaned on the table already completely wasted. "L-Like that'd w-work!" She stammered between her giggles.

Taking a moment to process her words, (Y/N) found themselves nodding slowly before laughing as well. "Cheers to that!" They called out as Kitty raised her glass clicking them together and throwing the liquid down.

The alcohol left a burning tingle in their throats and a fuzziness in their minds, but Y/N and Kitty didn't care. They both wore their best clothes and had the lights dimmed enjoying each other's company. What light was still left bounced off Kitty's blonde curls making the other person in the room hypnotized. Leaning closer in a hazy state, (Y/N) found themselves wrapping a curl around their finger watching it bounce.

"Y-you have bea-utiful hair." They murmured catching Kitty's attention.

Looking into each others eyes, the both looked over the other before a smile broke out on to their faces. Leaning onto each other laughing like maniacs, they both held into each other before breaking out into song singing along with the radio sounding like gibberish. Only did their antics stop when Kitty realized they were out of alcohol.

"Good thing I brought back ups~." She slurred pulling four bottles out of her purse.

"Atta girl!" (Y/N) called grabbing two of the bottles in their hand popping the caps off with ease as Kitty did the same.

Taking a small sip of the beverage, Kitty turned and looked at (Y/N) with wide eyes. "Oh, oh, oh! How 'bout we do a drinking contest? The fastest to chug their beer wins."

"You're on, woman."

The next few moments was filed with laughter, spilt liquid, chokes, gargling, and the sound of a victorious cry as Kitty finished her second beer. (Y/N) leaned back against the couch feeing the burning in their throat and an uneasy churning in their stomach.

Letting out a groan in defeat, they looked over to Kitty with a loopy smile. "I should've known better than to challenge you."

"Don't say that," Kitty objected leaning back hugging onto (Y/N)'s shoulders laughing lightly. "I got a way to cheers you up, sweetheart." She explained planting her lips on their cheek leaving a red mark.


With their brow raised, (Y/N) watched as Kitty sat up turning her body to them clearing her throat. Hitting her chest slightly, the last thing (Y/N) thought was to hear Kitty start burping the alphabet. "A... b... c... d... e... f... g... h..." this continued on for the rest of the letters leaving Kitty smiling like a goof and (Y/N) clutching their stomach in laughter.

Both their cheeks hurt from smiling so much and they both knew a hangover was to greet them in the morning, but neither cared at the moment. "You're right, that did help!" (Y/N) cracked our between laughs watching through their squinted eyes as Kitty leaned forward with her arms extended open.

Accepting the embrace, (Y/N) nuzzled their face into Kitty's shoulder savoring the embrace before pulling back. From there, the rest of the night was full of more laughter, jokes, and memories being made they'd both most likey forget by sunrise.


Request by:

Kitty Foreman

The 70's Show

Fluff (cute, adorable, etc.)

Y/N (female/male)


Part 1/2



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