💧S E V E N; Evra Von •{PART 2}•💧

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THE STEAM FROM THE CAULDRON BURNED AGAINST THEIR SKIN MAKING SWEAT BUILD AND FALL OFF THEIR FACE. With their hair pulled to the side and any thick clothing they wore previously discarded, (Y/N) stood in a lose muscle tank shoved into the waist band of their cotton shorts.

This gave a clear view of the symbols tattooed on their skin and the serpent that covered most of their back flexing as thier body moved around.

"What's the reason for this potion?" Rebecca asked from the chair she sat reading.

"An immune charm."

"For what exactly?"

(Y/N) momentarily freezed their stirring movements tensing up. Shaking their head, they went back to stirring glancing between the green potion and the large book next to the cauldron. "Hand me that vile by my sweater." They said avoiding the question.

Rolling her eyes, Rebecca sat down her book and got up walking over to the gold sweater that laid on (Y/N)'s bed. Picking up the cylinder, she immediately realized what was in it. The pale green scales reflected in the candle light with a soft glow to them as they rattled around against the glass. "Your making an immune charm against Evra."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

The (H/C) let their grip on the spoon they held fall limp and they turned around meeting Rebecca's gaze. "He might be a pain in the ass, but I still care about him." They admitted lowering their gaze to the floor. "You wouldn't imagine how hard it is to be in a relationship unable to touch or kiss your boyfriend without the risk of getting pink eye or poison injected in your body."

"That's why you want to be immune."


Placing the vile next to the cauldron, Rebecca placed her hand on top of (Y/N)'s smirking slightly. "Who knew even after all the fights and bickering you'd still do that you could to be with snake boy." She joked.

Rolling her eyes at the joke, the (H/C) shrugged and said quietly, "Of course, I love him." This caused Rebecca's eyes to widen slightly and back up letting go of her friends hand. (Y/N) looked up in confusion.

"I just remembered I forgot to get something back from Darren. See you at dinner." She said quickly walking over to her bag picking it up throwing  it over her shoulder.

"See ya."

With a nod, Rebecca watched silently as the they turned back to their potion adding in the scale making a puff of smoke release into the air. With a smile lacing her lips, the monkey girl made her way towards the trailer door stopping when the shape of something caught her view. Reaching over grasping it in her hand, she slipped it in her bag and walked out with the door slamming closed.

Gripping onto her bag, she looked around at the group sitting around the bondfire. "Darren!" She shouted catching the male's attention from Madame Truska.

"What's up?" He asked turning to her.

Looking over her shoulder to the silver trailer she just left and to Evra who was sat across the bonfire strumming his guitar gradually slower and slower with frustration clearly captured in his thoughts, she smirked mischievously. "I need your help."


Requested by:

Evra Von

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Emotional (sad, depressed, etc.)

Y/N (female/male)

Part 2/3




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