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Cameron eagerly waited to meet Justin Bieber.  He waited for Justin to come and see him. Shortly after his wait Justin finally came to see him. " So you are Cameron," Justin said. Cameron blushed he was happy to meet Justin. "Yep that's me," Cameron said. Justin laughed "It's ok you don't need to be nervous around me." Cameron smiled. " You are such a cutie," Justin said, " I think I am falling in love with you." Cameron gasped " Really." Justin nodded.  And that was the start of their relationship soon however it will face tests.


It had been six weeks and they had started dating. Cameron was feeding Justin a ton of food. " BURRRRAAAAP" Justin belched Cameron continued to feed him cake after cake. "Awww good daddy now how about a tummy rub," Cameron asked. Justin perked up like a dog. "Yes yes," He said kissing Cameron's nose. " Hahaha, daddy that tickles" Cameron chuckled. Justin stopped and walk to the couch farting in the process. "You did well today," Cameron said rubbing Justin's belly. Justin yawned and closed his eyes. Cameron smiled and kissed his belly and soon drifted to sleep on it. 


Justin woke and moved a sleeping Cameron's head into his lap"I am still a bit gassy baby boy" Justin said putting a blanket over Cameron. Cameron snuggled up close to Justin's belly. Justin giggled.  He stroked Cameron's hair then let out a muffled fart. Cameron didn't seem to mind though. " My baby boy has done big today," Justin said jiggling his belly. Cameron wrapped his arm around him to make him stop doing it. Justin understood. "Baby boy," Justin sang softly,      " you are so cute, your baby and I love you, you love my farts to" Justin laughed at the end. Soon Cameron woke and laughed too. "I do love them but I love you more" they kissed once more Justin chuckled making his belly jiggle.

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