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Cameron woke in the car he smiled at Justin's huge belly. " We are almost home baby boy," He said. "What stinks daddy?" Cameron asked. "I farted a while ago" Cameron giggled. Justin rolled his eyes as they made it to their home. "Get me out of here it smells terrible" Cameron joked Justin carried him on his belly fat as they went inside. "Daddy you hungry" Justin nodded at Cameron. Cameron returns with four eight-layered cakes. Justin let him feed him each slice enjoying feeling so full he could burst. "BUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPP" Justin replied after finishing all the cakes. Cameron was asleep on Justin's belly tuckered out already. Justin groaned as he let out a foul-smelling fart. Cameron smiled as he loved Justin's smelling farts and missed them at the hospital. Justin stroked Cameron's hair; while Cameron rubbed Justin's belly in his sleep. Cameron kissed Justin's belly as he woke and then to Justin's pants off, then his underwear, and shirt. Justin yelp as he felt Cameron's ass with his Dick letting out a fart from his. Justin thrust it in deeper as he moved back and forth. Cameron did the same as he moaned his belly jiggling as he moved. Justin moaned as he went in deeper at the hardest his cock ever was as he cummed so much his dick went numb. He looked at Justin whose belly grew with the cum. Cameron smiled. "you are becoming a good piggy Daddy".

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