The begining

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(Hope's P.O.V)

As we set sail, I saw horses emerging from the trees. Upon those horses were my family. I waved to my parents as their horses stopped before the docks. I watched as my father climbed from his horse using his one good hand to help my Mother off hers.

They would be coming after me, and when they finally reached the kingdom's shores, I would be long gone.

At least they would be slowed by Nook and Father sharing the Jolly Roger, so they didn't have a ship to come after me with.

"You're not really on a royal diplomatic mission, right?" The captain asked.

"If I'm not? Are you going to turn me in?" I asked, removing my hood.

"No, Your Highness, if I were to turn around, you would find another pirate willing to take you... even when you don't have the money. Instead, I will stay with you till you're ready to return. Your Mother told me once that she would feel better if a version of Hook watched over her kids." He told me as he leaned on the rail beside me.

"And if I don't intend to return?" I ask, turning to him.

"Then I will stay with you till your parents find you. Your family always finds each other, and with your Parents, Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and both Henry searching all the lands for you, I give you a couple of days tops." He snuck a glance back at the land, and more horses appeared with more of my family as Father ran around like a headless chicken, probably trying to get a boat.

Most people knew my father as a very level-headed Pirate Prince, but when it came to me, his little Princess, he was overprotective and would probably lose his head trying to find me. My Mother spent enough time chasing my brother to know she needn't lose her head.

As our journey began, the sunset, I sat with Nook to eat before joining the crew on deck as they started their festivities, singing, dancing and drinking. Nook stayed at the bow, not wanting to be taken by surprise if anything went wrong, an old habit.As midnight approached, I retired to my room for the night, but I could hear them singing.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

The Crew:

"Way hay and up she rises

Way hay and up, she rises

Way hay and up, she rises

Early in the mornin'

What will we do with a drunken sailor?

What will we do with a drunken sailor?

What will we do with a drunken sailor?

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'

Shave his belly with a rusty razorShave his belly with a rusty razorShave his belly with a rusty razor

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'

We'll put him in a long boat 'til he's soberPut him in a long boat 'til he's soberPut him in a long boat 'til he's sober

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'

Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on himStick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on himStick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'"

Pirate Number 1: "Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter

Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter

Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter."

Smee: ".... You do realise she ain't the Captin's daughter."

Pirate Number 1: "Not his captain, the other ones, but he still treats her like his daughter 'cause he missed it all with his own."

Smee rolls his eyes, but the singing commences again. "Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'

That's what we do with a drunken sailorThat's what we do with a drunken sailorThat's what we do with a drunken sailor

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'

Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.Way hay and up, she rises.

Early in the mornin'"

As the night continued, the crew slowly went to bed. Nook stayed at the helm. His weary eyes darted back to where the mainland of StoryBrooke had long since vanished.He knew he shouldn't have let her leave, but he also knew it was safer that she be with him than Black Beard or Jack Sparrow. Both pirates had it out for the Hooks, and how better to get to Killian than by taking his daughter?

Nook saw a lot of his daughter in Hope; perhaps it was because, in a way, she was his daughter as well... It's complicated, but all he knew was he would give his life for hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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