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TITLE CARD, appearing slowly: "Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

William Shakespeare




The shot we see here is almost the same when Dean ended up in hell a long time ago.

But instead of Dean suffering, it's Castiel. He's being tortured with thoughts.

CASTIEL (screaming and crying): NO, NO, NO!

[screams are getting even more saddening]

He's not the only one being tortured. Everyone inside are suffering the same thing.

Screams are coming from everywhere.

Every single regret of Castiel's life (according to the empty) is now appearing in his mind repeatedly. The only thoughts that are entering his mind are exactly after he met Sam, Dean and Bobby.

On how he felt when he never had any free will after all.

Or how he felt when he was ignored by the people he tried to protect.

But the biggest thought was.. about how he thinks no one will actually love him back and all the efforts during all his life were all for NOTHING.

The empty is exploring more and more negativity through his mind. But somehow, he's still trying to control it. Because of one reason:

He knows the empty is twisting everything. Even if he saw the ugliest in humanity, he also saw all those people are capable to love. To care about each other. A true family came in his life in such a short time. If he wasn't capable to experience true happiness, he wouldn't be in there after all.

Castiel starts feeling there's one more person with him. And that's the moment he stopped screaming.

Instead, he just take some deep breaths and close his eyes.

We're getting closer and closer to him. The screamings from everyone are stopping.

He's not in the empty anymore. It's quiet again.

Castiel has been saved.

It's done.


Castiel is opening his eyes. He's now in a backyard. The sky have never been so beautiful, with the river shining and so clean.

Right close to him there's the Roadhouse. There's someone sitting in the chair, out there.

It's the Original Charlie, appreciating the view. She sees Castiel and knows his face is also familiar. Castiel also sees Jack on the other side, a couple of miles away from him, smiling and accening for his father.

Supernatural 15X20 - "Carry On" (Alternative Version, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now