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Dean asks for what happened.

SAM: The officers and the kids' family wanted to thank us for our help.

DEAN: And what they offered for us?

CASTIEL: They basically paid for your surgery to remove the bullet. And for everything you will need here, even we were saying we could afford it. But they just wanted to show some gratitude.

SAM: Not only them, but the other neighbohoords. They wanted to offer us a place to stay but.. we wanted to be with you.

DEAN: And what's gonna happen with the other boys?

JACK: They are arrested. Since the proof is all there, the consequences will happen.

DEAN: Yeah. (silence) I can't believe I just saw that kid again.

SAM (talking quietly and getting closer to Dean): Don't you dare to start blaming yourself. Everything we had to face before was hard to get through and you know it. You know it! We had to make extremely hard decisions. It's not on your control, okay? The case was closed, the kid was extremely confused when we came. You saw that and he said the same thing for the officers and confessed what he did. Even him said if he wasn't treating other families so bad he could get a home by now! That was his choice. Jack and Castiel was there, watching him saying everything. Marcus told me too and we know you're okay. We helped you on this, everyone wants to support you. You did your best.

DEAN: Thank you guys, for everything. I don't know where the hell I'd be without you all. But changing what we're talking about.. Where you guys are staying?

JACK: One stays in the room, the other two sleep in the car. But we know it's not gonna be for so long.

DEAN: What you mean for not so long?

CASTIEL: It has been two days.. since everything . Maybe today or.. tomorrow you'll be allowed to go home.

They are all looking SO DAMN proud of him. Dean remembers that same looks when he was inside the Roadhouse in Heaven.

CASTIEL (to Jack): Let's leave them alone for a while.

Jack and Castiel are now leaving.

DEAN (to Sam): I think we should just retire. I mean, we lost too much.

SAM: Why you're thinking about that now?

Dean is about to say the moment he was in Heaven.

DEAN: I saw some people we met before. Sky was beautiful, a river close to the Roadhouse.. I saw Charlie, Ash, Ellen, Jo.. and even Bobby, man. I feel there are more people we know in there.. but I only saw them, for now. Roadhouse is so stunning, Sammy. (laughs) Besides all the pain, the suffering.. they still made their lives count. And that's what I wanna do right now. Not only for me, man. But for you too, Sam. I wanna follow my heart, just wanna find my happiness.

SAM: And your happiness is Cas?

Dean starts laughing.

DEAN: Yeah, man.

SAM: Did you have time to talk with him? I mean, that's why I left you guys alone.

DEAN: A little. But I made sure he knows I love him back. And I wanna say it again, again and again in every single way... He helped me so much without waiting for anything in return. Now I just wanna make him happy, like he always tried to do for me.

Supernatural 15X20 - "Carry On" (Alternative Version, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now