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— six months earlier —

Amelia Wright was escorted by her men and her right hand man Jack Cavanaugh to the black van that was parked infront of the mansion. The night had fallen over London, the sky clear and the moon present. 

The young woman wore slim black dress pants, a black turtleneck shirt and a matching blazer over it. Her long light brown hair was slicked back, pushed away from her delicate face which made her facial features even more prominent. She had high cheekbones and together with her fuller darker brows her face was framed beautifully. She wasn't one that wore bright colors, her make up nude and her clothes never left the black and brown scales. She wasn't too formal as well, her outfit accompanied by crisp white sneakers. Yet so she looked powerful. Her body oozed power and confidence.

"What do you think about Finn?" Amelia spoke as the car doors was shut behind them, her voice strong.

"He's doing something right since he have fought your father for all those years without budging." Jack said as he looked ahead of them. Ash started to drive as the two other cars that accompanied them started to move. "Finn is special, he got to know the game and learnt how to play it well." He continued.

"What do you think about my chances?" Amelia asked, she had never met the man in person. Jack had met him a few times over the years when her father, Timothy was still alive.

"You have nothing to worry about, he's a fool if he doesn't agree to your preposition." Jack answered as they drove through the well lit streets of London. "He's a special man Amelia, yet you have nothing to worry about," He continued and she only nodded, ending the discussion there.

The cars pulled into the docks and soon stopped infront of a warehouse with the WALLACE CONSTRUCTION logo on the side. Ash opened her door and she saw the two other cars that had parked by the building.

"They are here." Jack said as they walked towards the door. A man dressed in a suit guarded the door and opened it for them as they arrived. They were soon surrounded by piles of sand, stones, concrete bags and a few forklifts. In the middle of the warehouse her eyes landed on Finn Wallace and three other men. They all stood by a table in the middle of the warehouse. Amelia, Jack, Ash and her two other men stopped infront of them.

"Amelia Wright, you really look like your father." Finn began. "And you have your mothers eyes." He continued. Amelia remained silent.

"Let's take a seat shall we." The man beside Finn spoke. He was slightly shorter than the rest, his bald head reflected the lights and his black brows slightly furrowed.

"Yes," Finn said as they all sat down. "It was a long time since we met Jack, a week or so before Timothy got killed, how long is that? Two years? Amelia I believe you haven't met Ed Dumani and the other two is just a complement. So Jack what did you want?" He continued and Amelia looked the bald man in the eyes before returning to Finn.

"I'm here to discuss future business with you Mr. Wallace." Amelia said, her voice still strong and confident. "Jack here is my complement." She added and both she and Jack sat with composed faces. Finn raised his brows and he raised both his hands little.

"You've passed on business to this one ey Jack?" Finn asked, consciously trying to agitate Amelia.

"I've been running everything since my parents passing." Amelia said still not showing signs of irritation towards the man. "Why we haven't met earlier Mr. Wallace is because I've had more important businesses to attend over these past two years than to share the same air as you." She added.

"Yet now you are here." Finn said slowly, the kingpin seemed more affected by her words than Ed.

"I am." Amelia said. "I'm expanding my business and I have a preposition for you." She continued.

"Let us hear." Ed spoke, intrigued by the young woman before him.

"I want full access to your docks at all time." Amelia said and Finn raised his brow.

"What do I get in return?" He asked firmly.

"That my business never will interfere with your own." She said calmly and he cleared his throat.

"You will be on our territory." Ed spoke. "Dealing on our premises is worth more than not interfering our business." He continued.

"I don't know with whom you have been dealing with for the past two years, sweetheart, but my docks will remain my territory unless you are willing to cut me a piece of that cake." Finn said and his nickname made her clench her jaw. Jack looked at her and prayed for her to remain calm and not let Finn crawl under her skin.

"Either you accept my offer or I will take your docks with force and you will be left out dry." Amelia spoke and her voice filled with threats. "How does that sound sweetheart?"

— I'm re writing my story due to lack of inspiration for my other one, the main though will remain yet some new approaches will be made as you may notice in the prologue, love you —

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