The circle pt 2

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I wake up I workout and I make breakfast and i get a shower and I put on

Mercedeze left a video for the group so I watch and I'm am surprised to see a black Lesbian cat-fishing as Mercedeze

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Mercedeze left a video for the group so I watch and I'm am surprised to see a black Lesbian cat-fishing as Mercedeze.
I start a group chat with all the girls
And we chat for a while.

A game pops up called "Nailed it/ Failed it" I open it up "players must put their cake-making skills to the test" it says
"I'm really good at cooking so I should be pretty good at it" I say out loud, I go get my supplies from outside my door and I start
I am almost finished when I realize I didn't do the animals up too, I finish the animals and I finish just as the time ends
We upload our cakes to the newsfeed and we view everyone's cake
I vote for cake #4
It shows the results and me and Miranda tied so we both get a video on our profile.
I pick a video of my cousin doing a backflip into the pool since I'm catfishing as her.
I view Miranda's video it's a video of her in a bikini doing a dance like thing.

Soon after we get an alert that a new player has joined the circle, I view his profile "hmm okay his name is Adam, he is an attractive guy, he seems like he works out, we could probably be friends"
An alert pops up and says he can take 1 person to a romantic dinner in the hangout but he has to invite 3 girls to a group chat "I honestly don't care, I don't want him to pick me" I say out loud
He picks Alana, Sammie, and Rebecca and all the rest of us join another group chat and talk for a while.
It gets around 1AM and I go to sleep

I wake up at 9AM and I workout, make a smoothie, and I get a shower. We get to update our status so I say "Good morning guys, hope everyone is ready for a adventure filled day in the circle"

Miranda invites all the ladies to a group chat and we talk for a while

Soon after there is an alert saying "it's time for the rating"
I sigh and I start to rate
1. Sammie
2. Chris
3. Miranda
4. Shubham
5. Joey
6. Rebecca
7. Alana

We all play a game called hashtag this, and I have to add a new photo and put a hashtag I choose

And put #LivinTheATLLifeWe get to put a hashtag on everyone's post On Sammie's I put: #YouCouldTopMeOn Shubhams I put: #UCLAGradOn Joeys I put: #GagaMeetsSassoOn Chris's I put: #familia lo es todo (Family is Everything)On Miranda's I put: #FierceB...

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And put #LivinTheATLLife
We get to put a hashtag on everyone's post
On Sammie's I put: #YouCouldTopMe
On Shubhams I put: #UCLAGrad
On Joeys I put: #GagaMeetsSasso
On Chris's I put: #familia lo es todo (Family is Everything)
On Miranda's I put: #FierceButSexy
On Rebeccas I put: #NotOneButTwo
On Alana's I put: #SuperModelIThinkHellYes
On Adams I put: #GladI'mLesbian
On my post I get responses like #TakeMeOutOnADate

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