Drinks with the cast

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We head to my dress room I put on this

We head to my dress room I put on this

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Madeline puts on this

We finish getting ready and we head out of the Concert Venue and their are paps everywhere "Kylan who was the song written about""Who are you dating"

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We finish getting ready and we head out of the Concert Venue and their are paps everywhere
"Kylan who was the song written about"
"Who are you dating"

I brush past the paps "I'm not answering any question, have a good day" I say and I put Mads on the side without paps subconsciously.
I get into my car and we drive to meet the cast
The ride is silent for a while
Mads: so Um...
Me: I'm sorry for kissing you, if you didn't have to kiss me back
Madelaine puts her hand on my hand that's laying on the console
Mads: Ky I wanted to kiss you, Kylan I've liked you ever since the music video shoot, when you got casted for Riverdale I was so nervous
Me: I've had liked you for a while Madelaine, but where does that leave us
Mads: we can take it slow, we can go on dates, if you want we don't have to tell the public eye for a while
Me: I would like that

We arrive at the club and we go in and I see the cast I sit down with them
kJ: that was amazing Ky
Cami: that really was, we need one of your songs on the soundtrack for Riverdale
Me: maybe we can work out something for my song on the soundtrack
A server comes over "what would you guys like"
Me: yes I would like a glass of wine for the ladies and a beer for the boys
The server comes over and hands us our drinks
Over the course of 3 hours the ladies down several shots and a couple glasses of wine, I had 3 beers, and the boys had 3 beers as well
I turn to Cole
Cole: so these girls are hammered how are we gonna get them home
Me: I have a house, let's take them to my house to sleep, I have several beds
Kj: Okay, let's get them in bed
I help Madelaine, Camila, Lili, Hayley Law, and Vanessa to kJ, Charles, and my cars and I drive to my place when I get to my house me, Kj, Charles, and Cole get Vanessa and Lili into a bed, and Camila and Hayley into a bed, I put. Madelaine in a bed by herself, The guys leave, I go to check on Madelaine who is trying to get into the shower and she is naked
Me: Mads you need to put clothes on and go to bed
Mads: but I want to take a shower
I walk her over and put her in a chair in the room I get out a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts I help her put them on
Me: stay right here I'm getting you a water and Tylenol
I walk down to my kitchen and get her a bottle of water and a Tylenol
I hand her it and she takes the Tylenol
Me: okay time for bed, I get her off the seat and I sit her on the bed
She kisses me
Me: you're drunk please get some sleep
Mads: ugh no fun
Me: it's just because your drunk
She sighs and get under the cover I kiss her forehead, and soon she is asleep I get a shower and I get into sweats I sit on the couch and I post a picture of tonight with everyone and tag everyone with a caption saying "My 2nd family"
I soon fall asleep on the couch

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