part 1 | technoblade

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i don't use capital letters lol okay

it was a normal day, i was getting ready to stream when i saw the hypixel servers were down. i didnt really have any other plans but to play bed wars and nobody was online to play overwatch with, so i decided not to stream today.

i saw some other people streaming minecraft and wanted to check it out. i saw this 'tommyinnit' being number 1 for minecraft.

i continued to watch his stream till it ended i found out he was in a server called the 'dream smp'. i mean yeah i've heard of it before but... didn't realise how many ChILDRen were on the server.

dream was a very successful person he achieved over 10mil in a few months. i could never reach that many.

it was getting really late when i wanted to edit my video but i knew i wouldn't be able to stay up that late as i had online school tomorrow.

———— time skip lolz ————

it's the next day and i finished school quite quickly as i only had a few assignments to hand it which brought me to 2pm.

i grabbed a snack, i don't eat a lot during the day, and decided to start streaming earlier than usual to make up for not streaming yesterday.

i started everything up and hit 'go live'
i waited a few mins making sure i was ready (even though i didn't use face cam (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') i still sorted out my appearance)
"hey chat! how's everyone doing today?"

i got a lot of 'good' 'how are you? you didn't stream yesterday' 'she's backkk' and so many more.

i had about 2k people on my stream every time i began-
which i'm really proud of! but i still get really nervous because my anxiety starts to kick in at the worst moments.

i was in the middle of a bed wars game when i got in a game with technoblade? TeCHnOBLaDE- WAIT TECHNOBLADE??
"omg chat- i got in a game with technoblade... should i kill him?"
"nah he's way too out of my league"

i got a lot of 'yes's and 'try! you only get this chance once!'
so i decided i wasn't going to let my anxiety get the best of me and try and fight the one and only technoblade.

it took awhile before i could come face to face with techno.
he looked at me like i was nothing, i wanted to prove him wrong.
"chat, you ready?"
the chat kept saying 'CLIP THIS'
but i knew i wasn't going to win so what was the point? it still gave me hope that my fans believed in me.


techno swing his axe at me, lucky i blocked it. after seeing dream and techno fight before i got the hang of his patterns.
this made it easier but i don't know if he'll play the same way.

it was becoming repetitive techno trying to get me on a higher block above him and me trying to land attacks.
we were suddenly the last people standing. it was all down to this.

i didn't take my anxiety medication this morning as i didn't know i would be out in this situation and boy do i regret it.

techno didn't give up until...

my anxiety came again at a high spike.
it make me not focus and i got lost i didn't know where i was. he took the chance and swung at me.
i felt 4 hearts.
what was that? how did he deal so much damage?
he really is good at pvp like they said.

just the two of us. ➪tommyinnit x readerWhere stories live. Discover now