Chapter 12

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Phillip came running down the stairs and bumped into Casey along the way. "Watch it!" He said. "Sorry." Phillip muttered. The two ran to the door and saw that it was wide open. "What the heck happened?!" Casey yelled. "I don't know. They probably went on a walk...and left the door open." Phillip said trying to stay positive. "Sure." Casey said sarcastically. April slowly made her way down the stairs and yawned. "What's all the commotion about?" She asked yawning again. She squinted and saw the door. "Um...does anyone work for a door closing service around here?" April asked. "And where is everyone." She looked around the house. "Hate to break it to you red, but they are gone." Casey said. "What?! We have to look for them!!!" April yelled snapping herself wide awake. She dashed out if the house only to realize that she was still in her pajamas. She backed away into the house and ran upstairs to get changed. Same with Casey and Phillip. The three of them all went in their own rooms to change. After they were done, April and Casey grabbed their weapons (Phillip just grabbed some of Mikey's water balloons) and went out to the van that was April's dads. "I think I can see a vehicle driving down the mountain!" Yelled Phillip. "It belongs to the Foot Clan!" April shouted getting a better view. Phillip just stared at April. "I'm sorry but the FOOT clan?!" Phillip asked chuckling. "That is the stupidest name for a clan ever!" Phillip said laughing. "So I'm guessing their motto is to always shower?! Or is it to wear socks and shoes all the time?!" Phillip said cracking himself up. "Very funny Johnson!" Casey said keeping his eyes on the road and chasing down the Foot Van. "Oh and I'm sure you have a better one?" Phillip replied. And it was like that the whole way there. Poor April!

Entering the Woods (sequel to Entering the sewers)Where stories live. Discover now