Chapter 13

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A mutant tiger with an eyepatch and human clothes walked in the room as Kayla woke up being tied to a chair. She looked to her right and saw Paige also tied and Emilee leaning against the wall, tears streaming down her face. To her left, Kayla saw Alice and Emma tied to a chair as well. "Shut up for once girl!" The tiger mutant exclaimed at Emilee. "You'll flood the place!" "Y-yes T-T-Tiiiig-erc-claw." Emilee stuttered. "Baby!" Tigerclaw shouted as he shoved her aside. She landed with a pound. She ran out of the room wailing as if she had trapped her feelings, and then just let them fly away. Oh how Kayla wanted to do that. Just fly. Fly home. Fly to Mikey. Fly to freedom, but no. She was here. Tied up. Felt like 45 minutes since she woke up. "How long have we been here Tigerclaw?" Kayla asked reluctantly. "About three hours child. Now quiet! Or you'll see Shredder first." Shredder. She knew that name. The Shredder was the one who nearly killed Leo. Kayla looked at Alice who had seemed to realize that. She hung her head feeling pity for Alice. Leo's injury had gone down, and it was very very rare when he used his crutch, yet it still made him weak. Another mutant came in. It was scarier than Tigerclaw. It was like a black, bony rat-dog. "And who are you?" Emma asked. The mutant went over to Emma and got close up in her face. "I am Rahzar tiny one." The mutant said with a deep growl. "Ew." Kayla muttered under her breath. "Why are we here?" Paige asked. "Well I'd answer you that girly but I'm not an idiot. So I guess I will let you watch the movie until it's over. If you really want a spoiler, let me tell you that some people won't be getting a happy ending." Rahzar spat. "Wonderful spoiler." Alice said sarcastically. Tigerclaw growled at her. "What do we do with the girls?" He asked Rahzar. Rahzar chuckled. "We lock them up of course. Once Shredder and Stockman get back, we start asking questions." "Fine with me." Tigerclaw said flatly. The mutants grabbed one chair in each hand and dragged the girls, making an eire sound as the metal scraped across the floor. The girls winced the whole was through, for they could not put their hands to their ears because their hands were tied up as well. Kayla sighed. I will let you watch the movie until it's over. If you really want a spoiler, let me tell you that some people won't be getting a happy ending. Rahzar's voice rang in Kayla's head over and over again. She knew who those people were, and really wished that she didn't.

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