Wilbur Soot | Memories

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Wilbur is my comfort streamer so of course, he has to be first.
Who is your comfort streamer? I would love to know!

Bold is Just my thought
Also, u can see the change in my mood throughout this story and it hurts man.


It was a warm day outside, very few clouds in the sky, the sun sitting just above the mountains. It was the early morning the wind blowing softly with a slight chill, the perfect weather for hoodies. I walked down the sidewalk, heading to my favorite cafe. My headphones resting on my ears playing Memento Mori by Crywank. (listen to this song it's so good I love it)

The cafe could be seen in the distance when I looked up from my phone. I clicked it off and put it in my pocket, speeding up a tiny bit to get there faster. My legs stopped in front of the small cafe as I glanced at the open sign next to the door, making sure it was open. I opened the door and stepped inside, the bell softly chiming above my head as the door opened and closed. The scent of coffee immediately hit me filling me with comfort.

I pulled my headphones down onto my neck as I walked up to the counter to order. The barista looked up at me from cleaning the counter, she had a soft smile on her face as she addressed me. "Hey (Y/N), the regular right?" her soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I nodded at her returning the smile she gave me. "Yes if you would." my voice came out in an almost whisper from not being used today.

I sat down at one of the tables by the window, watching the occasional person walk by. the sun higher up than it was when I was walking making it brighter outside. A cup of coffee was set down in front of me as I looked over mumbling a small thank you as the woman walked away from me. I gently picked up the cup and took a sip, the warm liquid going down my throat warming my whole body.

I took my phone out of my pocket putting in the password and opening my texts. I tapped on the familiar name of Wilbur and started typing.


-I'm at the cafe where u at

-I'm almost there, just a couple minutes away.
Read. 9:42 am

I let out a sigh as I closed my texts opening Twitter, scrolling through as I wait. A couple of minutes later, as was said by the brunette, the door chimed as it was opened and closed. I turned my phone off as I looked up to see the tall man as he walked in. A smile fell onto my face as he looked over and caught my eyes, he smiled back at me. "Hey Will took you long enough," I said to him "I've been waiting." he chuckled replying to me in the same fashion. "Sorry to keep you waiting, (N/N)."

Wilbur sat down, after ordering a drink, we talked for what felt like hours just feeling happy being with each other. After we had both finished our drinks, we went to the park a couple of blocks down. on our way, we talked about random things just having fun. We talked about the internet, music, youtube really anything you could think of. We arrived at the park after a little while of walking, It had warmed up since I had first left the house, but the slight chill was still in the air. The wind blew making the leaves on the trees above us rustle. It was perfect outside today. there were only a few clouds in the sky, the wind wasn't harsh, it was the perfect temperature. We sat at a bench enjoying ourselves, being happy. He was my best friend.

Or at least he was...

This was the last time I ever talked to him or even saw him.

Wilbur disappeared a few days after this. I asked his friends if they knew where he was, they hadn't heard from him either. I asked his family, the same thing. I asked everybody I could. No one had seen him, He just left, disappeared. I was left behind. Alone. Scared even. How could someone I had just seen, just laughed with, disappear altogether.

I had lost the most important person in my life.

It had been years since I last heard from him, I've been dwelling over this for years.

There were search parties, they never found anything. I've been looking for him for years, everyone else gave up, but I didn't I couldn't. How was I supposed to live without him? He was keeping me stable. I just can't go on without him.

I've been told to give up so much. But I can't. He's still out there, I can't give up on him.

So here I am, sitting in my room. Crying, yelling in my head that I couldn't give up. My laptop sat up at the end of my bed. The bright screen lighting up my dark room with a dim light. Sat, almost peacefully, on the screen was a death certificate. A death certificate for a certain tall brunette. A death certificate for my best friend. They had found him. but not in the way I hoped.

They had found my best friend, they didn't tell me how or where, but he was found dead.

Next thing I know I was stood at a funeral. Wilburs friends and family stood around me. I so desperately wanted to cry, but I just couldn't my brain wouldn't let me. I don't remember the rest of the funeral. The next thing I remember is getting home and collapsing on my bed. And I just laid there staring at the ceiling. The sinking feeling in my chest just getting worse. I couldn't believe it, he was actually gone. All the hope I had for him to come back safely was shattered. Everything I had worked for in the past couple of years was shattered.

I had been running off of memories but I had the hope that we could make more. But I couldn't he was really gone, forever. I could never see him again. Tears welled in my eyes as I went through all the memories I had of the brunette.

Painful sobs crashed through my body as the exhaustion and emotions finally caught up to me. I really lost my best friend forever. I know I keep repeating it but I was just in disbelief. The sobs I was letting out only got worse as time went on, my body shaking my breaths becoming hysteric. What was I supposed to do now? I had spent all this time looking for him.

How do I move on...


I'm sorry it wasn't supposed to end like this in the original it just ended up happening. But idk if I wanna make a part 2 for this and make an even sadder end or make a happy one.
I also am probably gonna make a sibling oneshot for Techno or something like that.

Also, that was just about 1200 words so that's nice.

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