Part 6 - No Breaks!

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Earlier the next morning, everyone did their daily routine again. Wake up, get dressed, get a tortilla covered in syrup, grab a shovel, eat it, go to the digging site, and dig.

Chloe and ZigZag were walking next to each other as they were very interested in what will happen today.

Will the warden boss everyone else like a strict teacher or boss?

Will the warden be happy and let everyone have the day off? They both disagreed on that one.

Will the warden make us continue to dig like a regular old day?

They'll just have to wait and see.

"Love you." ZigZag whispered into her ear as she smiled.

"Love you too." She whispered back before getting into her position to dig.

"I am soo excited for when Mom comes." X-Ray told them all as they chuckled and nodded.

"Unless someone snitches on you." Magnet mainly looked at Chloe.

"She wouldn't do that... right?" X-Ray looked at her seriously.

"What?" Chloe looked up.

"You wouldn't snitch, would you?" X-Ray asked.

"I don't know. Probably not." She shrugged and digged as everyone sighed and started digging.


The morning got later and later, but it also got hotter and hotter. They all saw the truck drive to their digging area as Chloe got out first to make sure she'll be first in line. She has to make her name, Barge, still be in order.

"Barge! Really, dawg!?" X-Ray slapped his sides as he tried to pull her back, but she looked at him, knowing what she'll do if he crossed her. "Nevermind... Continue." The boys laughed as Pendanski got out of the truck and everyone lined up perfectly because they had to move forward.

"Good morning, Chloe." He smiled while filling her canteen up with cool water.

"Morning, Mom." She giggled as Pendanski smirked and gave her the canteen and started doing X-Ray's. "Thank you." She walked to her hole and sat in it.

"There you are, Rex." Pendanski handed over to other full canteen to the leader of D-Tent as he scoffed and walked off, preparing when to pretend his findings. "Good morning, Theodore." He smiled.

"Man, it's Armpit. I don't know no fool named Theodore, a'ight?" Armpit explained about his real name as X-Ray watched until Pendanski looked away to throw the tube into the hole.

"Well, I don't know no fool named Armpit."

"Whatever." He groaned.

"Here's your water whoever you are." He was obviously joking of course, but liked to have some fun with the boys, who didn't exactly like it. Chloe didn't care too much.

"Hey, Mom. I think I found something." X-Ray held it up so Pendanski to see. "Come here for a second. I think I found something." They all watched as Chloe walked over to the boys in line. Pendanski quickly walked over to where X-Ray was. "Looks like a golden bullet or something, doesn't it?" He gave it to the older man as he examined it carefully. "It's nice right? I get the day off now, right?" He was soo happy with himself.

"You might. We'll call the warden." Pendanski got out his walky talky. "Hey, Lou. You better get down here. I think we got something."

"We got somethin' nice." X-Ray reminded him. Some boys mimiced X-Ray's comment and laughed quietly.

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