Chapter 4. Comfort

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(So it's getting difficult to write these it might take awhile, but it's..getting there. Not that i'm planning something or anything)

NOTE: I believe this is where applications and i chose the team leaders since...there were too many application T^T


Morning (7:36)

No one's POV

Corpse went to visit the OfflineTV House (to visit Sykkuno).

When he got there, Lily was the first who had woken up.

"Oh hey Corpse, you got a minute?" Lily looked a little concerned.

"Uh yea"

She walked into the living room and sits down on the couch.

"Could you keep Sykkuno company?" She looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Of course, but why are you asking?" Corpse asked, curious for the reason.

Sykkuno's POV

I threw my clothes into the closet, too lazy to fold them.

I sit on my bed, pondering.

A soft knock on the door caught my attention.

"Sykkuno, can i come in"

"Oh..uh yea sure"

Corpse walked in, looking troubled.

"Is something wrong?" I gave him a small smile to comfort him.

Corpse sat down next to me, looking into my eyes.

"You don't need to worry about me, i'm more worried about you" The last part Corpse mumbled, making me unable to hear him.

"Sorry i couldn't catch the last part?"

"It was nothing important.." Corpse turned his head away, looking out the window.

"Looks like there might be a military outside..

"What?" I walk closer to the window, looking outside.


Outside infront of my window were groups of people, wearing....sunglasses?

Meanwhile. . . .

"Alright soldiers! we must protect Sykkuno at all costs!"

"Now the team leaders are...--Virgil--, Broken_Riot, -Hufflepoof, Reinaiim, swipernoswiping420, colddarn, Stupidtoyota, anxietea_idk, Diorkillua, XxLucy_QuinnxX"

"Everyone to your teams!"

Nobody's POV

"For some reason, i'm more scared..." Sykkuno mumbled, looking at the group of people.

"They have good intentions, though i understand your reason" Corpse replied, amused by Sykkuno's face expression.

Corpse looked at Sykkuno with a sad expression before standing up.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

Sykkuno stared at Corpse for a second, then back to the group of people.


Sykkuno and Corpse walk around the park, mesmerized by the beautiful nature.

'Something's eerie about the atmosphere...' Sykkuno started looking around his surroundings, getting a slight glimpse of people behind bushes and trees.

'Oh god...'

Sykkuno started getting anxious and accidentally grabbed Corpse's hand.

Corpse decided to let him calm down a bit, knowing the situation.

Sykkuno finally realized he was holding Corpse's hand, letting go of it immediately.

"S-sorry!" Sykkuno's face was as red as a tomato.


With team 1.

"THIS IS THE SHIT I CAME FOR!" Reinaiim whisper screamed.

"Be quiet, you're gonna get us caught" Shadow_Coffee214 whispered.

"Uhh guys, we gotta keep our eyes on them.." Animal1839 reminded them.

"I will with my life!" DreamSJW said, while saluting.

"Uhh..i think our team leader is daydreaming" Waffleboi321 stared at Reinaiim, who had been staring at Corpse and Sykkuno silently.

"Am i the only one ACTUALLY keeping my eyes on them?" pearlwarrior123 made a deadpanned expression.

Corpse's POV

Sykkuno was walking along side me looking down, probably embarrassed.

I sigh before stopping, pulling his hand to stop as well.

"Oh! uhh..what is it Corpse?"

'Should i?'

"Sykkuno, i have something to tell you"

Sykkuno looked up to me, his eyes sparkling.

I take in a deep breath.

"I like you Sykkuno, i have from the moment i met you"

'Now...the most nerve wrecking part...his answer..'








I'm sorry this chapter is short, i just couldn't skip another week, well...we're gonna be meeting all the teams now (there's 10 teams) and what will be Sykkuno's answer?

Word Count: 620 (very little i know...)

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