Ch. 9: The Adventurers

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Fable really wished she hadn't made a plan to fight the metal beast.

Ever since it was revealed she had a wild mark on her palm, none of the other mages would leave her alone except Dejy and Pendleton, who couldn't have cared less. There were notes taped to her door telling her to go home and that she was fake, mages whispering and trying to trip her in the halls, and students staring at her constantly or asking how it felt to be a "fake mage". Fable was sick and tired of it, which was why she was sitting in a tavern with her familiar, avoiding anything and anyone magical.

In what was both a stroke of luck and at the time an incredible nuisance, Slight caught the eye of someone rather interesting, although she didn't seem it at first glance.

"Is this seat taken?"

Fable looked up to see a woman with shiny black hair cut off at her chin, almond-shaped bright blue catlike eyes, and gleaming silver armor. Fable shook her head no and moved her drink out of the way so the woman could sit down.

"So, what's wrong?" Asked the woman. Her voice was calm and flat. Her face didn't betray much emotion, either.

"Come again?" Fable turned to her with a confused expression.

"You are upset, I can tell. Something has gone wrong, and now you wish to be left alone, but it will not be resolved unless you talk about it."

"Well, you're right about one thing."

"That being?"

"The 'left alone' bit."

The woman nodded sagely. "I see. If you wish to be left alone, I-"

She stopped mid sentence, staring with wide eyes at something to Fable's left. Fable turned, but the only one there was her familiar.

"Uh, whatcha lookin at?" Fable asked.

"What. Is. That."

"That's my familiar, Slight. Why?"

"Because he's adorable."

The woman still didn't smile, but her eyes were wide with wonder. She reminded Fable of a cat, with the wide pupils when they saw something they loved.

"He is pretty cute," agreed Fable. "Hey, I don't think I caught your name?"

"Jin Westiga, half-elf and knight extraordinaire." She stood up and bowed.

"My name's Fable Ennocamy, human and mage." Fable stood up and bowed, too, just to be polite.

"So, what is wrong? You did not mention."

Fable sighed. "Nah, I don't wanna drag you into the disaster I got stuck in."

"Compared to the to boys I have to deal with every day, I do not think it will be much of a problem."

"If you say so. So, with mages, apparently some of us don't like warlocks because they're 'cheaters' or whatever. I technically got my magic by asking a spirit guy, meaning I could be considered a warlock in some stretch, even though I learned everything myself and I haven't seen the spirit guy since he gave me the magic."

"Mhm. So, the mages are being rude to you because they somehow believe you do not deserve to be one of them?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"They sound quite annoying to me. If they are being so rude, I think that you do not deserve to be in the same vein as them."

"Thanks, but I can't give up on being a mage. I've come too far-"

"No, no, you misunderstand. I mean that you should be a mage elsewhere."

"Elsewhere? Like where?"

"Perhaps you would like to join an adventuring party? My party is only three, and we do not have a mage yet."

"That is a generous offer. How long will you be here? If I've got enough time, I can tie up some loose ends, and be ready to leave in a few days."

"That is fortunate. We will be here for three days more, and then we leave. If you would like, I will bring you to meet my friends tomorrow, so you may see who you would fight alongside."

"Sounds good. Should we meet here tomorrow?"

"Yes. I will be here at noon."


Fable headed to the tavern again the next day, and sure enough Jin was there with two other adventurers. One was a half-orc with grey stony skin and moss-green hair in a low ponytail. He had round glasses and was fidgeting with something resembling a broken telescope. He was almost a head taller than Jin, but he looked very sweet and it was obvious he was very polite.

The other adventurer, Fable recognized. He had auburn hair, a big smile, and the air of someone who thought himself to be charming but was really a dork. He was the one who had tried to use a pickup line the day she fought the metal beast, but had ended up falling on his face instead. Fable was pretty sure she remembered the other two from the same day, although they had been less memorable.

"Good day, Fable," Jin greeted her. "I am glad to see that you are not late."

Fable nodded. "Hey, Jin. Who's your friends?"

"This is Barley Cort -" she pointed to the half-orc, who shoved his gadget in his pocket, adjusted his glasses, and have Fable a small wave "-and this is Kieran Mahogany."

At the sound of his name, the rogue swept into a dramatic bow and gave Fable a dorky grin. "Glad to see Jin's found us a mage! So, what's your name?"

Fable copied his bow with a laugh. "Fable Ennocamy. Pleased to meet you."

Jin had a look on her face like she'd just realized she'd made a grave mistake. Meanwhile, Fable asked Barley what he could do.

"Oh, me? I'm an artificer. Most people would expect me to be a barbarian, which is why they're always so surprised when I used one of my gadgets."

"Sounds pretty nifty," Fable replied. "Are any of them enchanted? I don't really know much about enchanting yet."

"Only some of them. I'd like to learn to do that more, though. Right now I can really only do a few enchantments."

"Hey, what's that?" Kieran interrupted.

"Oh, that's my familiar. His name is Slight."

Slight popped out from behind Fable's legs where he had been hiding and waved cheerily. Jim's eyes widened upon seeing him, and she immediately knelt down and got close to his face.

"Ah, wonderful! She's broken again. Welp, shall we get some lunch? I know this great place across town." Kieran pulled Jin up and started off towards the aforementioned restaurant.

It turned out to be a place called Cherrywood's that served pastas and meat. The meal was very good, and Slight even ate a few of the vegetable dumplings Fable handed him. When he opened his mouth, Jin seemed fascinated, Kieran was shocked, and poor Barley got jumpscared, since he had been looking the other direction.

Back in her room at the academy, Fable was packing her things. Even doing the independent studies, the other mages simply refused to leave well enough alone. She would still have access to the library and all the school resources if she went with Jin and her party, but Fable would also get another opportunity. She would get to not only be a mage, but an adventurer as well. She may have left her old life behind, but Fable was building herself a new one.

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