Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was vaguely aware that I was moving, but it was too difficult to think with what felt like a thick fog filling my brain. I dipped in and out of consciousness again and again, fighting to stay aware of my surroundings.

Finally I opened my eyes with a moan, my head was killing me, I tried in vain to massage the feeling away but it only made it worse somehow. The movement made me aware of the handcuffs around my wrists, what the hell?  I wondered, pulling at them.

I felt like the mother of all hangovers was hitting me, but I didn’t remember drinking.

Wait, drinking…. I remembered whiskey, lots of whiskey…and Jack and…. Brittany… my father…

“Shit!” I said bolting upright as the memories came flooding back, looking around frantically. I had been right I was moving, I had been leaning against the cold glass tinted window of a window inside a van.

“What the-“ I began groggily.

“Finally,” I jumped at the voice next to me, completely unaware up until that moment that I wasn’t alone.

“What are you doing here?” I spat out, Brittany was sitting next to me in the back of the dark van. As usual she looked like a cross between a playboy bunny and a stepford house wife.

She sat across from me, running her pink manicured fingers though her long blond hair, as though working though imaginary tangles.

“More importantly, where the hell am I” I ground out, wondering how much trouble I would be in if I strangled her in the back seat of a moving van.

“You’re in the pack’s transport van,” she said in a slow condescending voice.

“I know what the inside of a van looks like Brittany!” I growled.

“Good for you Evie, you’re going to need that smart brain of yours where you’re going.” she laughed, and the high pitched sound felt like nails going down a chalk board.

“What? What are you talking about? What happened after the meeting?!” I was almost yelling now, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Oh right yeah, well after you passed out, we decided it would just be easier, for everyone, if I just grabbed a few of you’re things and got you ready to go. And then we just thought, if you woke up, you’d probably make a scene, like you always do. And really, everyone’s so stressed already with everything, we really couldn’t deal with any more of your drama right now. So here we are, we should be there in a few minutes actually.”

She said it all in such a casual voice, it was like she was talking about what she’d had for breakfast, I stared at her processing what she’s said as she stared out the window, a small smile on her pretty lips.

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