The first timer with a hero

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~Just a little note know that my grammar sucks so yeah..
Anyway, ENJOY!!!

You have a cherry blossom quirk that you can turn your blossoms into anything you want.

As you walk in a dark alleyway in the city. You put on a mask that covers you're face,Your mask has a cheery blossom on it that represents you're quirk. You start running out the alley then start to knock down buildings. The citizens scream in fear trying to run away from danger, trying to call out for the help. A bunch of civilians got crushed by tall building unable to survive. You start to knock down roads while Being in mid - air.

The 2nd pro hero Hawks gets informed that he needs to save civilians. He fly's to the city you are trying to destroy. Hawks looks for the citizens that have been injured. He gets a glance of Your cherry blossom then he tries to find where you are. Hawks calls for backup so he can pinpoint your location. He spreads his wings wide open and decks to the sky. You were by the bigger building so you didn't notice Hawks on the other side. He sneaks up on you then looks at you. Hawks gets a weird feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time. You notice Hawks looking at you fiercely. You start a battle with Hawks and at first you think you're winning but at the blink of an eye he knocks you unconscious. You being in the air Hawks carries you in his arms to a hospital especially for made for villains.

Hawk's :
"I have to hurry before she wakes up from her little nap, I don't want to fight this chick again. She has some skill. Her quirck seems pretty interesting...I've never seen something like this before!"

As Hawks has you in his arms you start to gain consciousness. He panics a little but he tries to knock you out again but you won't let that happen twice. You try escaping multiple times. After another few tries you give up and let him put you in the hospital since you're pride has already been shattered.

finally arrived, it took a half an hour to get to the hospital for villains. Hawks was tempted to take off ur mask multiple times during the trip but he resisted.a nurse took you into a private room with him so he could make sure you wouldn't wake up after three long hours hawks looks at you and squints his eyes.

"So you finally woke up huh,did you sleep well cherry girl??"

You realize that ur mask was off and that he saw ur gasp then you try to hide ur face but you were tied up to the turn ur head to the right and scream

You :

hawks looks at you with a confused smile he came up to you and whispered

"you know kid ill let you continue the villainous deeds but in one condition"

you get flustered and say

"what condition??"
He then says "you'll have to date me or ill blackmail you"

then he smiles at you.then you get say "why would you even want me anyway"

hawks says
"you know ur one of the wanted villains right anyway you seem to be a nice person..i would like to get to know you better.if you say yes well date and ill treat you like a queen"

You think to ur self "wait does he know my name? But is this really what im ganna resort to...i guess i am,this is my only way to get out of this stupid bed,anyway this guy is kinda hot so win win?!"

You ask him does he know ur name hawks says "yeah why,are you afraid that i know ur name y/n ???
Ur eyes widened as you ask another question to hawks "how do you know?"

Hawks says
"Well i asked the nurse am i not aloud to know ur name y/n" he winks af you with a big smirk

Hawks free's you and grabs ur hips pulls you in then says "so kid where do you wanna go?? Oh and just so you know someone disabled ur quirk"

you say "are you kidding me bird brain you can't be f#cking serious"

he says "woah there baby bird calm down i know it's frustrating but you gatta keep ur chill"

you keep silent until he carries you in his arms and you roll ur eyes.he kisses ur give him a smile of frustration.he opens the hospital window and fly's through the window and hawks asks you

"are you okay kid you seem like you have something on ur mind"

you say "i don't have anything to say to you"

hawks looks bummed that you didn't open up to him about what ur thinking about.he asks you another question

"is it about you having to choose me for ur freedom?" You say "no it isn't just shut up and go to ur house"

you see an amazing view of the city that you haven't seen in years.

it's night time and a bunch of lights from the city are on because you where sleeping for a long period of time

It takes hawks some time for him to get home also he had to cary you so it took longer then he finally arrived and you are dead asleep because in the hospital they gave you almost three sleeping pills because you were resisting so much.he put you on his king sized bed and bought KFC for himself but also some McDonald's for you when you wake up.he ate some of ur nuggets cuz he couldn't resist eating some...

Sorry if this was short i haven't been able to think of ideas so if you want you can give me some ideas for me to write also be specific :3 Anyway i hope you enjoyed the part 1 of

Hawks x femreader!!!

(The Love For A Bird)Hawks x Fem villain Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora