Chapter 49: Dad's Back

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It has been a week since Dick left for Bludhaven and he has not yet returned to Gotham so Caleb and Barbara have been working together. As the week progressed Barbara decided to let Caleb go off on his own as long as he checked in with her at the start and end of every night, she felt comfortable letting him go off on his own because she quickly saw that he didn't need anyone watching his back even though Cass would go with him almost every night and they were both very capable in a fight.

Caleb and Cass are now entering his apartment after seeing a movie with Stephanie and Harper who Caleb met for the first time that day. As they walk in something flys through a window and Caleb instantly throws his keys knocking a knife out of the air. He then rushes over to where the knife fell as his mom walks out from the direction the knife was headed.

"What's going on? I heard something fall, is everyone alright?" Christi asks not getting a response as Caleb picks up the knife that flew through the window and recognizes it instantly.

"Cass get my mom out of here now, please." Caleb says as he pulls out his knife that he keeps on his ankle so he now has a knife in both hands.

"What wrong?" Cass asks but before Caleb could respond, a Talon breaks through the window the knife came from.

"Go Now!" Caleb shouts as he charges towards the Talon. As Caleb jumps to kick the Talon they grab his leg and throw him into a wall which Caleb uses to propel himself towards the Talon and punches him in the back of the head. Caleb and the Talon both stand back up preparing for the fight ahead facing each other.

"Not again." Caleb says as he recognizes the Talon as his dad. Caleb then quickly turns back to see that his mom and Cass have left the apartment but as he turns back to his dead dad the Talon has taken the opportunity to try to kick Caleb in the back of the head but he manages to duck under the kick just in time and punches the Talon in the gut. Caleb then stabs his dad in the leg with his own knife as he pulls out a knife of his own and stabs Caleb in the back of his left shoulder causing Caleb to stumble back a bit. Kye takes the opportunity of his son stumbling to try to punch Caleb in the face but he recovers just in time to catch the punch and use his dad's momentum to throw him across the room. As the Talon gets back up he throws a few knives at Caleb who manages to dodge all of them before ripping the knife out of his shoulder and throwing it at his dad. The knife manages to land in Kye's chest even after he tries to dodge it. Caleb then charges at his dead dad and tackles him out the window he came in through causing both of them to fall to the alley floor below. Caleb manages to land on his dead dad causing Kye to take the blunt of the damage as Caleb gets up barely hurt. During the fall Kye's talon mask falls off and is now laying on the ally floor near by as Caleb pulls a sword off his dad's back and stabs it through the Talon's chest pinning him to the ground as Cass and Caleb's mother run into the alley way to make sure Caleb is alright.

As soon as Cass sees Caleb standing over the Talon she runs over to him wrapping her arms around him, engulfing Caleb in a hug that he instantly returns.

"It's ok Cass, I'm ok." Caleb says to Cass as neither of them want to break the hug. Christi then walks over to the two and looks at the Talons face and freezes in disbelief.

"Is that?" Christi says not being able to finish the sentence.

"It's him mom." Caleb says. He then looks down at Cass who still has her arms tightly wrapped around him and asks "do you have a costume at the bunker?" Cass merely nods in response. "Ok we need to go now." Caleb tells Cass and his mom before he breaks his hug with Cass and slowly walks out of the alley while looking around for anyone who could potentially follow them.

"Where are we going?" Christi asks her son.

"Somewhere safe." Caleb tells her as they cautiously walk through the streets of Gotham. As they walk through the streets they eventually sneak their way down into the old subway tracks that lead to the Bat-bunker under Wayne tower.

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