Chapter 4

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The look on her face was filled with confusion and non-belief.

"You what?"

I already said it once, now I'm gonna have to say it again? "I want to find my soul mate. It's been all I can think about. Can you blame me? You can't tell me that you haven't thought about leaving to find who, where your soul mate is." I ramble.

She seems speechless. I notice her open her mouth to say something a couple of times, but nothing comes out.

"I mean- I, of course I've thought about it. Everyone has. It's a constant reminder that you may or may not end up with someone in the long run. But, I - how serious are you about this? How long have you been thinking about this? How are you even planning to go through with this? You need money, a place to stay, food, there's so much to think about and plan."

I can't believe she actually is thinking about this. Of course, it doesn't mean she approves of it but I guess it's a step in the right direction.

I decide to answer back. "Of course I'm serious about this. It's been the only thing on my mind for the past couple of months and I do have some things planned out."

I get up and walk over to my closet. I open the door and pull out a medium sized box.  It's white with blue dots. In it is where I have been putting all the ideas and objects that I thought I may need for this long trip. Once I have it in my hands, I bring it over to my bed and set it on the comforter.  I sit back down and open the box.

"In here I have quite a bit of money, which I've been saying up for years. Money-wise I'm set. I have family all over the place that I can stay with. I'll just say I'm visiting for family-time. As for my parents, they're always so busy they probably wouldn't notice, or care for that matter. However, even if they do notice, I have a plan for that too. They don't talk to anyone outside of the immediate family for reasons I'm not supposed to speak of. My outside family doesn't have anything against me though, so they won't care."

As much as I would like to deny it, I'm pretty proud of myself for how I planned all this out. Now, as long as I can get Larissa to keep this a secret, I may be able to make this dream a reality.


So yeah i havent updated in forever. Im sorry about that. But, i got some inpiration to start again, but i cant promise any regular updates for awhile. However, if this gets more reads, votes/comments, i will be sure to make much more of an effort to get going. I just need to know im doing this for a reason and people are enjoying it haha. So yeah!! Be sure to vote and comment, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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