A Flashback [Error x Nightmare Angst]

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Requested by Person281, let's go!


Error and Nightmare were on the couch, cuddling like they usually do after a long day of caring for the gang of toddlers.

Error sighed, snuggling closer to Nightmare, said guardian of negativity looping his arm around the destroyer and hugging him close.

"This is nice." Error giggled.

Nightmare smiled down at him and kissed his forehead.

"ᎲᎿ ᖇᏋᎯllᎩ ᎲᎦ." He agreed.

They both sat like this for a while, just enjoying each other's company and whispering sweet nothings, before Dust came falling down the stairs.

"When's the wedding?" He asked, like he hadn't just fell down.

Error laughed, flustered, while Nightmare growled.


Dust rubbed the back of his skull, a sheepish look.

"Not too. But we all wanted to join!" He exclaimed.

Nightmare relaxed his expression.

"Also Cross says that the Star Asses are out doing 'good deeds' or whatever." He added, air quoting the deeds part.

Nightmare sighed and got up, taking the warmth with him as Error got up too.

Nightmare gently pushed Error back down though, but not without complaints from the other.


"Alright, but if anything goes wrong call me and I'll be there immediately." Error told him, fidgeting with his ring.

His engagement ring.

Nightmare smiled at him, tapping his own ring and tapping the side of his skull, showing that he knows.

Error sat down cuddled into his blankets as the gang left, some of them calling him mom on the way out.

Error giggled and smiled at the door.

I guess I don't mind being a mom, he thought to himself, smiling gently at the thought.

He started wondering if him and Nightmare will ever become parents.

He blushed at the thought, continuing to focus on the movie instead.

He spends the next few hours watching movies and waiting for the gang.

He looks out the window to see it raining, bringing a content smile to his face as he watched the rain fall.

He wishes he could stay like this forever, but his thoughts were cut off by the door being slammed open, startling Error, but he'll never forget the sight before him.

Dream was at the doorway, frantically sobbing and apologising as Dust held a knife pointed at him.

Cross and Blue were panicking as they used healing magic on Nightmare, who had an arrow in his ribcage.

The exact spot his SOUL was.

Nightmare was awake for this, crying and whimpering, his body pulsing with pain as the magic had little to no effect.

Error was frozen in his place.

He didn't even realize he was by Nightmare until he felt a hand on his cheek, possibly wiping away his tears.

"I-I told you to call me for help you dumbass!" Error scolded him, voice wavering.

Nightmare's smile turned into a frown as he mumbled an apology, only to have Error gently place his head in his lap.

"Ꮂ ᏦᏁᏫᏊᎰᏌᏣᏦᏋᎴ ᏌᎵ, ᏰᏌᎿ Ꮂ'll ᏰᏋ ᏫᏦᎯᎩ, Ꮂ'mᎶᏫᎴᎴᎯmᏁ ᎶᏫᎴ! ᎯᎲᏁ'Ꮏ ᏁᏫᎿᏂᎲᏁᎶ ᎯᏰlᏋ ᎿᏫ ᏰᖇᎲᏁᎶ mᏋ ᎴᏫᏊᏁ!" He loudly exclaimed, coughing up blood after and wincing.

Error choked a laugh, probably to bring down his sob.

"Yeah, you'll be fine!" He agreed, most likely to convince himself.

Error sighed, carefully placing his forehead against Nightmare's, Dream's sobs fading into the background.


"Error!" Said glitch looked over to a sad Horror.

"You've been sitting here for ten minutes, crying to yourself and mumbling. Are you okay?" He asked.

Error laughed dryly, rubbing his sleeve against the tears running down.

"I'm fine. Go take care of Sprinkle, he's probably running with a knife." He said, referring to Dust and Blue's kid.

He's sad he'll never have one. Not unless it's Nightmare's too.

Horror took one last look at Error, before heading back to the castle.

Error sighed before looking back at the Tree of Feelings, before looking down at the little tomb in front of it.

Here Lies Nightmare, A Loving Fiancè, Leader, Brother And Father Figure.
Birth Date: 20X
Date Of Death: 201X
Cause Of Death: An Arrow To The SOUL, Most Likely Caused By Dream, The Brother Of Nightmare


I hope you enjoyed, and I may or may not have cried writing this ;-;

Art above is what GrapeNoot drew for me, it's human Ink!

Anyway, til next time! Leave a request!

Sans AU One-Shots! ||Discontinued||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang