chapter Twelve (New character )♡

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Lucus just finished when the bulter knocked.

" Sir Lucus. Breakfast time"
Lucus " Okay I will be down"

He then kissed my back and tickled me. I freaked out and fell.

Lucus " Okay get up now"
Me " Your a cruel man"
Lucus " mhmm nah
Me " I am getting up"

I  grabbed the blankets. He laughed and then hugged me.

Lucus " I knew you liked it."
Me " I hate you "

Lucus then kissed me and gave me a towel.

Lucus " Hurry up and Shower. "
Me " Yeah yeah "

Lucus put his cloths on and left the room. 
Ughh i need to shower now, but my god lucus grabbed me hard and at the same stop. I got his point but still. I got up from the floor and then went to the showers. After the shower and changing I walked out of Lucus's room. I went to the dinning room to eat breakfast. Sato began to smile and put his hangs on his lips.

Sato "oh  My my that was a loud moan why didnt you let me do that--"

I grabbed the plate from the table and then threw it plate at sato. He ducked and then looked back at me.

Sato " Hey!! you trying to kill me?!"
Me " What happened if i was huh!!"
Sato " Uggh just facts!!"
Me " Keep you business else where.!"

Lucus entered the dinning room, as he walked past me he touched my back and i freaked out.

Sato " Haha you really did a number on her"

I got pist and smacked Sato. 

Me " Shut up!" 

Lu and Ren came up to me.

Lu " good morning!"
Ren " Morning!"
Me " Morning what can i help you with?"
Lu " Can you get more of the flowers?"
Ren " Lu hurt himself again"
Me " Sure ill get some more"
Lu " Thank you!!"

Ren went up to Lucus and pulled his arm.

Lucus " What is it"
Ren " Mochee is here"
Lucus " I know and Lady Diana is here"
Ren " Yes"
Lucus " I will greet them right now. Is Zen with them?"
Ren " Yes"
Lucus " Mhmm okay i will go. I will be back, Violet"
Me " Okay"

After eating my breakfast I went with Ren and Lu to the garden. They showed me there garden area.

Me " Did you replant the flowers?"
Lu " we tried"
Ren " We need more tho."
Me " Okay ill make sure to get more"

I played with Lu and Ren until the maids had to take them to school. I waited outside for Lucus and Sato. They finally was ready and i decided to ride with them to find out the new girl Diana is transferring to our school. Diana came up to me so excitedly. 

Diana " Violet !! Its been awhile since ive seen you!! How are you!!"

I was confused to who this was, Zen grabbed her and talked to her about something. She then came back with a different introduction.

Diana " Sorry about that, my name is Diana Heart. I am 19 and i am Zen's Fiance"

Fiance ?! Oh yeah he has one of those. 

Diana " Nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends"
Me " Yeah same"

Lucus and sato then looked at Zen.

Sato " anything you want to say to us?"
Lucus " Yeah bro"
Zen " Later Also Mochee just left"
Lucus " He wasnt staying?"
Zen " no he just wanted to drop off Diana"
Sato " Oh."
Diana " Thats go to school now!!"

We went into the Car and drove us to school. I kept looking at Diana. Diana was so happy and cheery.

Zen " If your wondering, she is human as well"
Me " Really?"
Zen " Yes, ive been with her since we were little. Maybe 10 years old was when we got engaged"
Me " I see. What does she mean when she said its been awhile?"
Zen " I believe she thought she knew you"
Me " ohh i see"

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