Chapter XXVI The Great awakening of the Vampire queen

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We went to the lake and sat there. The girls, Lucus and Sato went swimming. Zen was sitting reading his book. Dean was walking around the water and i was in the shade. Mhmm I wonder what my grandfather would have done right now. Probably swimming maybe. Lucus then came up to me.

Lucus " No swimming"
Me " I dont like swimming, "
Lucus " I can tell your not wearing what we bought you"
Me " I dont like showing my body in public"
Lucus " Mhmm"
Me " Quit that!!"
Lucus " Just kidding, do you want to go walking then. I heard this forest has alot of cool things."
Me " Seriously?! Count me in"

I got up and began to walk. Lucus followed. We looked around, the trees were shining and the air was really refreshing. I turned and looked at Lucus.

Me " Isnt this great, the air is so refreshing and beautiful out here."
Lucus " In lndeed "
Me " I want to just Stay here "
Lucus " You really love the forest huh"
Me " My grandfather took me to the forest alot to take pictures. It was my favorite thing in the world, to be by my grandfathers side."
Lucus " I see"

I kept looking out to the lake and from the mountains. After that we ended up going back to the house because i got hungry. Lucus made me lunch and he continued watching me.

Me " Whats wrong?"
Lucus " Nothing. Ill be in the room"
Me " Okay ?"

He went to the room and i continued eating. I then hear a sound outside, strange I thought sato and them were still at the lake. I checked outside and it was noone just the wind. I closed the door and continued eating my food and then headed to the room.

Me " Hey did you make any sounds earlier?"
Lucus " What you mean?"
Me " I dont know i just heard a weird sound coming from outside."
Lucus " No i didnt make any. I was just in bed "
Me " Mhmm"

I closed the door and then joined Lucus in bed.

Lucus " Luring huh"
Me " Mhmm i dont know"
Lucus " Mhm"
Me " You are just so warm."
Lucus " I am? "
Me " Yes"
Lucus " mhmm, Warm huh?"

I just lay near lucus while he was massaging my head. How odd though i expected him to want something.

Me " Mhmm"
Lucus " What now "
Me " I dont know "
Lucus " Just sleep then."
Me " Its only 4:30"
Lucus " I guess it is. What do you want to do then?"
Me " mhhmm i dont know"
Lucus " i guess i will just do this "
Me " Wait what?!"

Lucus began to hug me and then he fell asleep. Great, well it was my fault for going near him but its odd how hes not wanting to do more. I just stayed there for awhile before i past out.

Sato and Zen

Sato " Bro there is so many of these crystal rocks in the water."
Zen " Should collect them"
Sato "why"
Zen" Just so when you get married youll give it to your future wife"
Sato " Real funny"
Zen " I mean you do have a fiance"
Sato" She's scary as hell"
Zen " I also been Noticing you havent using Violet alot"
Sato " ehh i dont know i got bored, plus Shes always with Lucus"
Zen " I see, by the way Nanny is living with us tomorrow"
Sato" What!! Are you serous!! Not her!! Why not Rose or Alpha!?"
Zen " Ughh because Father and Mother picked her plus Lu and Ren are going back to the underworld to train."
Sato " So its time"
Zen " Relax just dont piss her off."
Sato " I feel like its too late for that"

Before Nanny was supposed to leave to go to the boys house, her and her sisters were called in by the Prison. Were all of the monsters who had done something bad went to. But something went wrong. Nanny and the others appeared and the guards were in a panic.

Nanny " Tell me what happened here"
" yes Ma'am Number SFD just escape from his Imprisonment and now is roaming the Jail."
Rose "I got it"

Rose went to the middle of the Building and cased Location magic on the prison to find SFD. After locating him, Alpha and Suki went after him. Suki went to get him but he was running from Suki then Alpha took him down with Lightening magic. He then fell and Rose tied him up.

Rose "This is weird. This is the 9th Prisoner that tried to escape this prison this month. What is happening here?"
Alpha " I dont know but now we have to keep this Place under hard security. We don't want the top ones to escape "
Nanny " Can you request 50 new trained Guards here by next week"
" Yes ma'am"
Suki " It appears about right"
Alpha "about what"
Suki " There all guys, that are apart of the family of vampires. Meaning there might be a new awakening of a vampire queen or even worst"
Nanny " Maybe but that means we need to be more alerted. We are also half vampire by mama."
Alpha "I know but we are girls"
Suki" hey Aren't you doing to be with the boys ?"
Nanny " Yes i can handle myself. You guys just need to control this place and everything else while i am gone got it."
Rose " Yes Leader"
Nanny " Father should have made you leader"
Rose " You did beat us fair and square"
Nanny " What ever, anyways I should report this to father before i go"
Rose " Yes we will be here"
Nanny " Suki"
Suki " Yes"
Nanny " Lu and Ren will be coming back here to train"
Suki "Lu and Ren!!?"
Rose " Oh my gosh!! The little ones!!"
Suki " Their so adorable"
Nanny " Yea yeah but they are coming here when i leave. You guys need to train them"
Rose " Got it"
Alpha " Okay after i buy them food and Toys!!".
Rose " And spoil them!!"
Nanny " Ughh you two are something else"
Rose " You could be alittle bit happy, It is our youngest siblings"
Alpha " I remember when we were like that to you, well until you beat us to get the leader position"
Nanny " Stop it!, Ughh in any case we have to have more security on the top three prisoners"
Alpha " You Talking about Levientan, Muki and Demos"
Nanny " They must not escape or else the Dark knights will be on us about it"
Suki" ohh yes you mean the Pure vampires huh"
Rose " That is no laughing matter, Thats Mei, Medusa and Feelo we are talking about"
Nanny " Ughh Make sure they dont escape at all cause"
Alpha " Yes"

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