Pt. 4

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Pilots and Cabin Crews are allowed to stay in Auckland for 3 weeks. So that they can rest for awhile. They stay in Auckland Harbour Suites.

Lisa "Can i go back to Thailand?" She asked the Lead FA ( Flight Attendant ).
Lead FA "Yes you may, but stay in there for 5 days." Lisa nodded and booked a flight to Bangkok.

Wendy "Why you are packing your things?" Lisa "I will stay in Thailand for 5 days."

Wendy "Wahh! Did Miss Morétte allow you?" Lisa nodded.

Lisa "You want to go back to Canada? Or Korea?" Wendy "I wanna go back to Canada, can i ask her."

Lisa "Yes you may ask her because she's not busy."

Then Wendy runs fast and ask Miss Morétte, she nodded.

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