1. random number

5 1 0

ring ring

"Yuki!" Rika called, "Wanna hang out today?"

"Sorry, Rika. I have to visit my parents today. Maybe tomorrow, yeah?" she replied.

"Alright," she sighed, dejectedly, "Have fun there!"

"Thank you! Don't get too bored there~" Yuki giggled before ending the call.

ring ring

"Daichi? Are you busy today?" Rika asked for hesitantly, feeling she'd get turned down again.

"Right now? No," he said, giving the poor girl some hope, "But I have to pick up my cousin with Ayumi later. You can come with if you really want to."

"Ahh.. That sounds kind of tempting but I wouldn't want to make things awkward," she chuckled, lightheartedly, "Thanks for the offer though. Have fun Daichi! Tell Ayumi I said hi."

"Will do. Bye Rika!" he said, ending the call.

Rika sighed and flopped onto her bed.

"23 rejections today," she recounted and groaned, "What now?"

Just then, her stomach growled, "Guess I should eat some food,"

She sat up, "Go to the cafe or eat cereal here?" she murmured, "No.. Too lazy to change."

She stood up with her oversized hoodie and messed up hair and walked over to her dorm kitchen.

Her dorm was a one person dorm which people would find incredibly lucky as they wanted their own share of personal space — especially since they were worried they would get paired with someone weird — but Rika wanted her own roomate to play, talk and eat with.

She invited her many close friends over from time to time to study or just hang out but somehow, today, each and every one of them were busy.

Rika could be easily described as the usual "shy at first but loud once you get to know them" kind of person. Each friend she made enabled her to make friends easier.

She sighed as she finished her cereal, "What do I do," she asked herself and looked at her phone.

A few minutes passed as she scrolled through her numbers before deciding that everyone who was usually free was busy today.

Should I do it? she thought, Yes.

Rika dialed down a few random numbers, rechecking if it was a proper number format before clicking on call.

ring ring

ring ring

No answer.

She sighed and puffed up her cheeks in frustration. She changed the last digit of the number and pressed call again, biting her nails in anticipation.

ring ring

ring ring

"...Hello?" a boy called, his face showing up on call.

Oh.. my god.

word count: 416 words

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