6. rule making

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"Rule #1. We won't be using 'Tokyo Reed' anymore," she started off.

"What? Why? That's literally my name."

"You've said it, like, 10 times in only two calls, I think I've heard it enough."

"Not enough reason!" he declared.

"Also, you sound like you use it to show off your power, a.k.a your money — and we've already talked about not talking about that."


"No judgement though! This is why we're implementing the rules in the first place," she added, "Tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything! We can change it quickly."

"Fine.. What are you supposed to to call me then?"

"Hm.. Kyo? Like, Ki-yoh," Riku suggested, "Sound okay?"

"Sure, but why Kyo?"

"Why? Wanna be called Toe instead?"

"What the hell is that? No."

"Anyways," she cut off the conversation, "your rule."

"If we can't be calling me by my own name," he smiled, "Rule #2. We'll be calling you Ru."

"Alright, alright."

→ a few rules later →

"Alright," she yawned, "your turn."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "you look sleepy."

"No, no, I'm alright. You state your rule."

"Last rule for today."

"No! I'm fine, really."

"I said for today, Ru," he rolled his eyes, "I don't think the world's ending tomorrow."

"Hey! Don't say that. I won't be able to sleep well tonight thinking it could happen."

"Alright! Last rule, though."

"Geez, just say you care about me and go."

"No." he deadpanned, "Last rule. Rule #14. Answer all my calls."

"What? How am I supposed to do that?"

"Hey, now. I'm not that mean. I won't call that much, and not too late at night either unless there's an emergency or something, but that means you'll be having to call me first," he winked.

"Eww, don't wink at me," she said in a digusted tone, "Also, does that mean I can call you once a week if I wante—?"

"No." he cut off, "Don't leave me hanging. I'll get bored."

"Now I'm thinking how you managed to live all your life without me," she looked at the whining boy with a pout in his lips, "Only the second call and you're already so clingy?"

He sat back up, "I am not clingy."

"Sure you aren't," she agreed, sarcastically, "You're so cute I wanna pinch your cheekies."

"What does that mean."

"I meant what what I said was supposed to mean."

"Sometimes I wonder if you really have lived in Japan most of your life. You confuse me in my own language," he retorted, seeing Riku yawn, "Go to sleep."

"Oh right, I forgot," she yawned again, "Bye-bye, Kyo. Enjoy the rest of your day!"

"Mhm. Good night Ru."



word count: 447 words

to be deleted:
goodnight ~ i have 4 more chapters
kept in drafts but i'll save that to post
tomorrow if i'm lazy :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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