2. rude boy

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"..Hello?" a boy's voice rang through his phone, his face appearing on screen soon after.

Riku squealed in surprise and threw her phone onto her bed, I did /not/ think he'd be good looking.. I didn't even bother to dress well, she thought before washing her face and tying her hair up.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or who gave you my number but I suggest you tell me who leaked it and delete it right now before I send your number to my parents," the boy continued threateningly, in English.

Quickly, Riku walked toward the phone and picked it up, "Uh.. hello? Can you repeat that slowly?"

The guy was seemingly walking in the dark. She couldn't see register the background well and waved the thought off.

The boy looked a bit taken aback, "Who are you?" he paused, "Nevermind, who gave you my number?"

"No one did," Riku said simply.

She had lived in the States when she was younger for a few years too but her English was getting rusty.

"That's impossible. Everyone wants my number. Now it's just a matter of who gave it to you. Mind telling me?" he said, pridefully.

At this, she raised an eyebrow, "Who even are you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means what it's supposed to mean,"

"I'm Tokyo Reed. How could you not know me?"

"Tokyo Reed," she took a pause, "Nope. Not ringing a bell. Pronouns?"


"What pronouns do you use?" she asked, "I use she and her pronouns."

"Uh.. I use he and him pronouns?" he replied, "Why do you need them?"

"Some people aren't comfortable with those pronouns, rude boy."

"What did you just call me?"

"Rude boy," she smiled.

"Anyways, Tokyo Reed, mind telling me who you are?"

"What are you talking about? Stop lying, tell me who you are or I'm ending the call and sending your number to authorities," he answered, seeming pissed off.

"そんなに失礼なことを言うのを," she replied, "やめる。"
("Stop being so rude," she replied.)


"I said stop being rude — I don't even know you."

"Really, now?" he raised an eyebrow and paused as he crossed a street, "Proof?"

"I'm literally from Japan, in Japan," Riku looked at him dead in the eye before switching the camera to show the view from her dorm, "See?"

Tokyo paused seeing he was wrong.

Looks like he's not used to being wrong, Rika thought and giggled.

"What are you giggling about?" he said, looking mad, a faint blush seemingly on his cheeks.

"Ah," she giggled once more, "Nothing.. I'm Riku, by the way."


"I'm Riku. Nishihara Riku. Figured I'd tell you since you didn't know yet."

"Ha. You tell me that as if we'll be calling again."

She cocked her head to the side, a small smile playing on her lips, "Really, now? Well that's going to depend on whether or not you block me, huh?"


"Aww~ you like me~" she cooed.

"What? What are you talking about?" he looked at her weirdly.

He seemed to have arrived at wherever he was staying.

"Why are you at a hotel? Abroad?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"What?" he asked, confused, "Ah.. Haha. I guess you really don't know me. This is better proof than your Japan excuse."

"I literally showed you my place.."

"This is my house," he smirked at a wide-eyed Riku, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting ready for bed now.."


"Yeah. It's 3:30am now. I can't believe we've been talking for almost an hour." he said looking disgusted.

"Hey~" she pouted, "Don't look like that. I know you enjoyed talking to me."

He looked at her with an eyebrow raised, "Sure, whatever you say, Riku."

He ended the call and left Riku on her bed smiling.

Ahh~ she was happy, she hadn't felt so happy and giddy in a long time, A new friend at the other side of the world. This is gonna be fun.

word count: 664 words

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