Dear Diary,

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^Marisa outfit^
Dear diary,  Hi I'm Marisa and this is my diary I fell in love with a childhood friend and I guess I kissed him, but it was my first kiss and I don't think I should have kissed Him, but all I know is that he had a crush on me ever since we met!

7 years ago ( when I was 9 )
Dear diary, I met this boy today and we're friends he lives next to me he just moved in, we met at the tree behind our houses by the lake it has a rope swing and a little small bench for 2
I love him well I like him but not as a crush he's nice as a friend. We have a hand-shake too and I gave him a tour of our infant school and when we did our hand-shake at lunch break  but Jenny milburg made fun of us for doing baby stuff! "Hahaha that's baby stuff oh wait you are babies it's what you do" "Jenny go away" max would hiss (his name is max) and he always stood up for me, he was my best friend, his full name is max juru and juru is french!
About me
My name is Marisa dewn-belle everyone makes fun of me but it my name so who cares! I'm 9 years old and was born in 2004 and max was born in 2003 because he is 10!

Dear Diary, anyway that's a diary entry from when I was little I'm 15 now but I'm 16 in a couple of days, my mum or dad won't be there only max will and my mum died when I was 11 and my dad died when I was 13.
Well I'm meeting max in a bit so I better end this diary and hide it under my pillow, it wasn't a long diary but again I wrote a diary from when I was in infants so yea bye diary! X✨

Thanks for reading this story when ill add in Marisa's outfit
When i have internet xx bye thanks for reading

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