Chapter 2: Addicted?

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Applejack woke up the next day around 6:30 and decided to text her new online friend, who was an hour behind her so for Rainbow Dash it'd be 5:30. Hopefully she's up She grabbed her phone and clicked on her friends name and started typing.

" Good morning Dash. "

Then she waited for her respond, it was taking a while so she removed the warm covers off her body and got up out of her cozy, warm bed and put on her slippers that were a light green colour.

She walked down the stairs quietly so she wouldn't wake anyone up if they were still asleep. I could make eggs she thought after opening the fridge to see her chickens fresh eggs.

The young farmer was now making scrambled eggs for her and her family but was interrupted when she heard her phone buzz.

" Morning, Applejack. How'd you sleep? "

When she read the message that Rainbow had sent a smile grew on her face and she started using her fingers to reply to the other teen.

" I slept okay, what about you? And want to play Among us later? "

After Applejack reread her message a couple of times to see if there were any mistakes she pressed the send button and the message sent to Rainbow.

" I actually slept good dude, and sure I don't why not. "

The cowgirl smiled at the other girls response. Then, Rainbow sent another text but this one made Applejack feel nervous and excited at the same time, she read the message carefully so she doesn't mess it up.

" We can also call when we play? "

Applejack thought of an answer, it was only the second day the two have met, but Applejack really wants to call her, to meet her, to hear her voice so she started typing.

" Yeah! Definitely. "

She sighed at her reply but the sigh almost immediately disappeared and a smile formed on her face again.

" Sweet! Also add my snap, rd.lmfao "

Applejack immediately pressed the home button to exit from messages and went onto Snapchat and added Rainbow Dash. After a little while of waiting she got accepted by Rainbow and her eyes went wide when she saw Rainbow Dash's snapcore. I never seen someone's snapscore that high, she has to be popular.

She went and changed her original name which was " Rd 😎🖕" to " Dash ⚡️" and smiled at the name, she went back to messages and started texting again.

The two have been messaging for a few minutes that Applejack wasn't even aware that her eggs were still cooking until she smelt something burning. She turned around and screamed at the black smoke that was rising up, the fire alarm went off and she turned the stove off and began to use a book to try and get rid of the smoke.

Unfortunately all the noise woke up Granny and the others and they all came running downstairs to see what's going on.

" What happened?! " Shouted the scared little girl, AppleBloom.

Applejack couldn't answer, she didn't have the heart to tell her family that she's been talking to someone she doesn't even know and that it led to her almost burning their house down, Applejacks grandmother is very strict and hates when her grandkids talk to people over the internet that they don't know.

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