Chapter 3: Their first call

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When Applejack seen who was calling her she instantly started panicking but that didn't stop her from hitting the answer button. All she seen at a plain white ceiling, and a ceiling fan which was on it did look like a pretty big room, neither of the two were talking.

" Hello..? " was the first thing Applejack heard from the phone.

The strangers voice was harsh, and raspy but it was unique. Applejack really did like her voice, but was scared to show how she sounded mainly scared to be judged, she hated being judged by anyone even if it's a joke.

" H-Hi. " She said quietly, hoping that the girl in the phone wouldn't notice her country accent.

She heard a chuckle through her phone. " Show your face. " The raspy voice commanded.

The cowgirl slowly but surely adjusted the camera to show her face, and she saw the Rainbow haired teenagers face. Now that they both know neither of them were a creep they felt a little more comfortable, just not comfortable enough for Applejack to say something out too loud.

" Hm, you're more talkative on messages then you are on call, I wasn't expecting that. " Her voice really did stand out, Applejack imagined how she sounded in person, would it be even more harsh?

Applejack giggled at the comment and nodded her head, " Yeah, Ah'm really shy sometimes. " She immediately covered her mouth when she realized how loud she was.

She heard the other girl laughing, this made the cowgirl hate her accent even more. She knew Rainbow would make fun of her voice or she thought that when she heard " Heh, your accent is very pretty, and cute. " She seen the girl wink through the phone, that being said she felt much more confident in talking.


The both of them have now been talking for about three hours and Applejack is now showing Rainbow her room. " Woah, it's quite big. " Rainbow complimented.

" Yeah, it's also really easy to lose a lot of mah stuff. " Applejack laughed while turning her camera around so that Rainbow could see her face. " Now show me yer room, sugarcube. "

" Bet. " Was the last thing she said before turning her camera around to show off her huge room space. " Uh- ignore that, I was eating. " she laughed while pointing at a half eaten pizza with a orange crush sitting next to it.

That made Applejack giggle a bit. " Will do. " she joked around, still admiring her new internet friends room. After Rainbow was done she flipped the camera to film herself laying on her stomach on her bed, doing funny faces. The two were laughing and telling a bunch of jokes.

" APPLEJACKKKKKK!! LETS PLAY! " Someone shouted from the doorway causing Applejack to look back only to see her younger, red head, little sister, Applebloom. " Applebloom, no! Can't ya see Ah'm callin' someone? "

The younger girl jogged to Applejack and leaned in to look at who she was calling, only to see a girl with bright, rainbow hair and magenta eyes who was eating pizza. " Is that yer girlfriend? " Applebloom playfully wiggles her eyebrows.

Minutes after the question Applebloom was now being chased around the house by her older sister, who was embarrassed and mad. After that, Aj had returned to her phone.

" Sorry about mah annoyin' little sister. " The blonde apologized, only to hear the other laugh through the phone. " Don't stress it. It was quite funny actually. " She chuckled.


After another few hours the two are still calling, Applejack couldn't get enough of the Rainbow haired teenager. She really loved talking to her, when they talked it wasn't all quiet and awkward like it was when she called Fluttershy, and when the two called Rainbow dash wasn't talking about video games games like sunset or books like Twilight would. Rainbow also wasn't like Rarity, when Aj and Rarity called they didn't really talk that much, mainly because Rarity was always doing her makeup or hair while calling Applejack, and it when she called Rainbow she didn't hear so much ideas for parties, and you should already know who that's from.

Applejack kept getting texts from her girlfriend, but she kept swiping her and continued to talk to Rainbow Dash. Why? Well because she knows if she answers Rarity she'll be asked to leave the house, which she doesn't wanna do she just wanted to stay in all day and talk to her new friend over the phone.

" So, what do you do? I don't know if I already asked you that, but still. " The teen chuckled over the phone, Applejack doing the same afterwards.

" Ah forget if ya already ask meh that, but if ya didn't. Ah work out on a farm, and Ah normally have a lot of chores. " The blonde teen said while she looked out her window and had a plain view of the farm and the horses and other cute farm animals.

" Neat! I'm an athlete, and not to brag or anything but I'm like the captain on every sports team in my school. " She bragged putting her hands behind her head trying to look as cool as she can.

The cowgirl chucked, unimpressed. She rolled her eyes playfully and they started talking again until Applejack was once again interrupted by her girlfriend. " Ah'll have to call ya back in a second, Rainbow. " Applejack informed the athlete she has met over the Internet.

" Alright, sounds like a plan. " Was the last thing Applejack heard before she hung the phone up and finally accepted Rarity's call.

" Finally, you answer me darling. " The fashionista complained over the phone, " Yeah? What do ya want? " Applejack questioned sounding cranky.

" I called to ask if you would want to hang out with our friends after we hang up the phone! We're going to the mall, and I want you to come along with us darling, it wouldn't be the same without you. " Applejack sighed, she hated saying no, especially to her own friends, and girlfriend.

At the same time, she really wanted to talk to Rainbow some more, she has really grown attached to the girl from Among us and they've only know each other for a short while. The cowgirl have never seen herself enjoying talking to someone who she doesn't even know in person, she found it really unsafe at first.

" Um, not today Rarity. Ah don't really feel like goin' out today. " She didn't lie, she simply stretched out the truth a bit.

The minute she heard Rarity sigh, she felt guilty, Rarity always does this to her makes her feel bad and then basically forces her to go where she wants, she usually falls for it but today was different, when she said no she really did mean no.

" Rarity, don't go sighin'. Ah'm not goin' today, we can go out tomorrow. " She huffed in a annoyance.

The upset fashionista sighed once again before hanging up the phone, the annoyed cowgirl rolled her before going back to Rainbows contact and hit the call button it wasn't even less then 60 seconds that Rainbow had answered the call.

And the two called for hours, once again.


I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 3!! I really enjoy writing this story.

Sorry if it was boring though it's currently 1 in the morning and I got right sleepy so hehe. I'll try doing better in Chapter 4.

Also, I need ideas for Chapter 4, what should happen? I'll reply to your comment with my thoughts on it.

Bye guys
Love you all
Stay safe 🤗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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